Ukraine Ground Forces Tree


Modernization of T-72 presented by KMDB in 2012 possibly. The idea was to make the T-72 a kind of hybrid of Yatagan and Oplot + Zaslin APS


Additionally, Newspaper Winter Camouflage for M113 based vehicles :)


Completely inappropriate comments. The tree passed suggestion moderator criteria, if you don’t like that, take it somewhere else.


Ukraine tech tree passed as a suggestion?

No it passed the criteria to become a suggestion.


A new video of Ukrainian Strila-10 armed with unnamed missiles. In the original video comments someone mentioned that those may be of Sudanese or Jordanian origin.


Isn’t that Slovenian.

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Formerly, yes. It’s been modded by the UA. All M-55S’s are now utilized by Ukraine.


By origin, yes. But it’s fair to call it Ukrainian after its share of actual combat usage and Ukrainian modifications.
Gaijin does the same thing with released tanks by the way, so it’s good to follow a solid example.

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AIFV-B-C25 with 25mm Oerlikon



As far as I know those Leopard 2 series tanks are not the best fit , but I like that. Western tanks are shared with T series tanks

So Sweden is donating its entire fleet of PBV 302s. Can’t wait to see it with Kontakt-1.


+1. I’ve long dreamed of seeing a Ukrainian tech tree in the game. I stumbled upon this discussion, started reading it, and couldn’t grasp all the information. In the discussion, players proposed a lot of ground vehicles that are not included in the proposal. The tree layout itself has changed several times during the discussion. Personally, I liked Blastertitan’s thoughts on a joint Ukrainian-Soviet tree. I’ve seen this idea being discussed in other parts of the forum as well. However, I simply can’t physically read through the entire discussion. It would be great if the author of this thread could gather important information and update their proposal for those like me who haven’t been following the topic from the beginning. Especially since some links to images in the first post are no longer working. In any case, it’s great that this is being discussed.


And it will be changed once more, since some new tech was introduced recently

Do you mean supplying Western tanks to Ukraine? I don’t think we should add them to the game right after the new version of the Leopard arrives in Ukraine. In my opinion, some time should pass, maybe even after the war. The version of the tech tree with Ukrainian ground vehicles mixed with Soviet ones, as proposed by Blastertitan, could be a foundation. And then, over time, Abrams and Leopards could be added to the tree as either main or premium vehicles.

I just wish the entire list of available ground vehicles was in one place, not scattered across different discussions…

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I meant them as well, but there will be some tech moved into folders , some will be moved to Prem/Auction vehicles and maybe some will be removed back to “Honorable mentions and additions” or brought to the line from there

And: Mainly i meant FrankenSAM and/or T-80BV with good ERA coverage

Optical sighters are installed on Strela-10 air defense missile systems and qualitatively improve the capabilities of these systems.

Shooter now can see the image on his monitor through the daytime channel or a thermal imager. It is also possible to use two channels simultaneously.

“The shooter can see the image from 2 cameras simultaneously or from each camera separately on the monitor,” the statement reads.

They were handed over to the military of the 79th separate airborne assault brigade.

Thanks to the built-in thermal imager, target search is possible at night and in poor visual conditions.

“‘Wall-E’ is an electro-optical sight for detecting, tracking and targeting air targets for the rapid modernization of the Strela-10 air defense system, including reconnaissance and attack UAVs,” the statement said.


The modification is ERA bricks on the sides, literally no modification. It’s a major Slovenian modification of a T-55 vehicle, which they donated to Ukraine. There is nothing Ukrainian about it, let’s be clear about that here. If this vehicle ever gets into the game, it better have the Slovenian flag next to it.

It’s only combat experience is in Ukraine
Only current operator is Ukraine
Minor modification (Yes, ERA bricks) also done in Ukraine


A have a few concerns with this, but it’s overall a great idea. I had a similar thing in mind for updating the flag according to your line up, for example: if you have modern post-war, post-soviet vehicles, your flag changes accordingly, AKA no more USSR vs Wehrmacht flag on the matchmaker or main menu, instead it’s Russian Federation and present day Germany.