Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

More like K-1s lol :P

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I know, but I said “imagine” lol.

well, those already chonky NATO MBTs will look even chonkier with Nizh …
but … if applied to a Leopard 2A4’s turret front, it might look similar to an Arjun Mk.II?

T-64 with nizh ERA blocks:

Arjun with chonky ERA blocks:

but as far as Abrams and Challenger 2 goes … it totally depends on how they decide to mount those nizh blocks on those sloped turret front(s)

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I was mainly thinking about the hull and turret side armor. As for the turret, that would be something unique.

What is t64s name?

It’s the T-64B1M/T-64BM1M

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Is it the premium on ur tree…

I would prefer if the tree focused on eastern/indigenous designs since a lot of western equipment would be copy-paste, but if it’s needed to fill gaps I’ll take it over nothing

Yes because it makes a balanced vehicle for it for the time being. Not to mention, the sheer quantity of T-64’s available.The tree is still highly WIP

Also, we’ve seen action of Ukrainian-produced MT-LBMSh Infantry Fighting Vehicles on both sides in Myanmar. There isn’t much information on the MT-LBMSh in military service, but Myanmar had purchased 26 vehicles in the mid-2000’s. The vehicle features a Shkval combat module that houses a 30mm ZTM-1, PKT-7.62 coaxial, an KBA-117 30mm grenade launcher, and utilizes 2x Konkurs/Konkurs-M ATGM’s mounted on a modified MT-LB chassis. LRF and IR Searchlight/IR included (no thermals on standard Shkval modules, only the Shkval-A has it). This vehicle has been added to the tree to highlight Ukraine’s export capabilities.


The Assault combat module is installed on MT-LBR7…
The Squall combat module on MT-LBMSH…


Yeah like you have shown, the Shturm module mounted on the MT-LB is the newer version (MT-LBR7)while the one in use with Myanmar is prior to the introduction of the Barrier system/RK-2 missiles so it still utilizes Konkurs from Myanmar stocks. Not to mention it lacks several features that the R7 variant has i.e. thermals, RK-2 missiles, adjustable Panoramic sight, etc.

I’m very excited to see this in game! Hope developers will add ukrainian tree in War Thunder.


Won’t happen maybe as Sub tt for USSR otherwise most likely never

I believe it is impossible to add it as a sub-tree
Smin has mentioned that a game-code limitation does not allow for more than 5 vehicle lines per tree.
And considering sub-trees always get their own lines, instead of being mixed and matched into the existing tree, it wont be possible for Ukraine.


Well they so not need to be as sub tree per se they can also Intertwine it I to existing trees and folders

I dont know, that is breaking the precedent they set. As far as I can tell, the only current breaches of that precedent are stuff like AA Vehicles being intermixed instead of being in the dedicated sub-tree line

Regardless, if it were to be done, it runs into the issue of the sheer amount of vehicles per rank.
Atleast one to two must be added per rank for a sub-tree, and the USSR tree is already VERY big.
And lets not even discuss the fact that USSR would have atleast one T-84, giving it the T-84, 80-BVM, 90-M, 90-A, 72-B3, 80-U + Whatever top tier premium they will add next update…

Just not a reasonable addition, even if it weren’t currently impossible

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Things such as BT-42 being out of their sub-tree do exist, but they are the exception rather than the rule and thus isn’t really a thing to base much on.


yeah, i really want to see UA tree in game


Does the M-55S have any K-1 mounted as standard? Or is this a Ukrainian field modification?