Ukraine Air Force Tree

That doesnt make the whole idea of Ukraine nation any better, only makes it worse


If you see the issue of a lack of crew experience because of late start at rank 6, that could be fixed with new features in game, for example, transfer of crew experience from nation with which you’ve unlocked the tree.

Pfff ,that only gets added for trade with golden eagles, but overall still a bad idea as well


I do NOT support this !
100% copy/pasta, 100% boring !


+1 as a sub-tree, part of a larger combo tech tree, or as a standalone tree further in the future. Either way, I want it!


Could a Be-12 be a possible candidate for junior ranks? According to Wikipedia, several were in Ukraine after 1991.


Su-25M1 of the Ukrainian Air Force with the Zuni FFAR

Other photo


Su-24 armed with the SCALP EG cruise missile

Is this possible in our game? What is the minimum range of this missile?


Between 250-400 km, as its a cruise missile it doesn’t fit the current form of War Thunder.

Cruise missiles would be very easy to implement - we already have bombing point capability, which indicates when to drop bombs so they land on a base while being some distance away. Same thing for these cruise missiles.

Absolutely no reason they (as a general weapon) cannot be implemented especially when they can be shot down by continually advancing radars (or even heatseekers like a MANPAD) as we move forward.
I say they’re 100% needed, to give top-tier bombers/interdictors viability in the current team-death-match style as they are always intercepted if they try to drop bombs conventionally.

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+1 though i would like to see the Ukrainian Air TT to start at tier IV, even if that would be hard to implement


Actually, in the proposed tech tree, there are no planes that are found in museums with Ukrainian identification marks. However, they were part of Ukraine’s arsenal in one way or another. The truth is, at that time, Ukraine was part of the USSR. So theoretically, filling in levels 4-5 is possible.


Not with Soviet vehicles unless they’re added as a sub tree

In general, I adhere to the idea that was voiced in the discussion about the ground forces tech tree on the forum. About the smooth transition of the Soviet tree into two or more nations that formed after the USSR.

Like separate trees? If so I don’t see the benefit.

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This will allow the development of the Russian, Ukrainian, and possibly even Georgian or Kazakh tech trees. The basis for this will be the Soviet tree. If you haven’t seen this proposal and haven’t read the details but immediately perceive it negatively, then there’s no point in discussing further

Personally I believe time should be spent on more important independent trees such as Yugoslavia, Turkey, Poland, Korea etc, not more Soviet style nations.


While I don’t like this Ukraine air tree, I have seen people mention a Poland tree with Ukraine sub-tree. I think that would create an amazing air tree. PZL products would add 100% unique vehicles to tiers 1, 2, 3 and 5. Czechoslovakia could also add Aero and Avia vehicles to the same tiers.

Other warsaw pact or post-USSR nations could also fill it up to avoid a late start nation like Israel and that would be a nation I’d play, butt personally I’d leave all post-USSR countries together, similar to how both Chinas stay together post-civil war, and both Germanies are together post-ww2. However it’s nice to see other peoples ideas and I’ll never not love a tree suggestion.


If this or the ground tree get a lot of western stuff sure, if not imho it should be a sub tree in the USSR tech tree. For example instead of MiG-29 → MiG-29SMT they should split the line after the last Soviet vehicle and have one for Russian MiG-29s and one for the MU1 and MU2, same with the rest.

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