UAZ-469B (SPG-9) - East German Go-Kart

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TL;DR: Fast car. Recoilless rifle.


After WW2, Germany was split into two halves, East and West. The end of WW2 also brought about NATO and immediately after the signing of the treaty that brought it into existence, the question about West Germany’s entrance into the organization was brought up. West Germany’s entrance into NATO would essentially mean that Germany would be allowed to rearm itself, which wasn’t a popular decision with many parties for obvious reasons, however, it was eventually reasoned that German engineers were some of the best in the world and if led properly, they could become an incredibly strong ally. The West would enter NATO on May 9th, 1955, and rearmament measures immediately began. Not wanting to fall behind, the USSR would found the Warsaw Pact a few days later on May 14th, 1955, with the East being a founding member and subsequently rearmed. Part of this rearmament would be the creation of a dedicated border guard, the Grenztruppen der DDR, who would be identified by a standard East German land forces roundel surrounded by a green circle. Though not as heavily armored as the main land forces, the Grenztruppen would still utilized several armed vehicles to ensure order. That being said, most of these vehicles were things like armored cars fitted with machine guns. Effective against softer targets, sure, but completely helpless against heavy armor. To provide these troops with something to deal with these potential threats, the Grenztruppen would receive the SPG-9, a light and very portable 73mm recoilless rifle that fired the same rounds as the BMP-1, the only difference being the propelling charge. This gave them the ability to defeat armor up to 300mm. While the SPG-9 was great and super portable, it was still a stationary weapon that generally needed to be deployed before firing, which could be undesirable for a force that may need to move across long spans of border quickly. At the same time, East German paratroopers just so happened to be facing a similar problem and were looking for a mobile and hard-hitting vehicle that could also fit into their transport helicopters. The solution the East Germans came up with was rather simple. Mount their SPG-9 onto a car. More specifically, they would mount the SPG-9 onto the Soviet built UAZ-469B, a slightly upgraded version of the standard UAZ-469 4x4 light military vehicle. They would also do the same to their domestically developed IFA P3 light military vehicle, however, that was seemingly comparatively rare and only photographed in use with the Grenztruppen. To facilitate the installation and effective usage of the SPG-9 on the UAZ-469B, a number of major modifications would be made. The rear row of seats would be completely eliminated to make room for the SPG-9 mount and ammunition stowage, the roof of the vehicle would be modified to be detachable (some vehicles used a folding tarp roof instead), all 4 doors would receive hinges that allowed the top halves to fold down (complementing the UAZ-469’s existing foldable windshield), and a foldable travel lock would be added behind the front seats. All these modifications allowed the vehicle to remain disguised as a normal UAZ-469B until its firepower was needed. These vehicles would enter service with the Grenztruppen, paratroopers (more specifically Luftsturmregiment 40), as well as the East German Police.

Place In War Thunder:

Recoilless rifle carriers are a classic sub-class in War Thunder, especially the small and fast ones that can pop up and disappear in an instant. Their high-risk high-reward playstyles bring about a satisfaction not really found in many other vehicle classes. The UAZ-469B (SPG-9) would be another fine addition to that roster. Its small and fast profile combined with the familiar and well-liked performance of the rounds found on the SPG-9 would surely draw a sizeable fanbase. It’s also, contrary to what appears to be popular belief, a uniquely East German vehicle as opposed to something received from the USSR, which could provide a breath of fresh air into an otherwise “copypaste” dominated sub-nation. Playstyle wouldn’t be anything players haven’t experienced, playing similar to the Type 60 SPRG (C) found in the Japanese tree, although with one less gun and worse off-road performance. Out of sight and out of mind is the name of the game. Use your speed to rock up to a nice early game position, fire off a few rounds, and run away before repeating the process. It may also be possible to cosplay as a map object and catch the odd MBT off guard. Since the UAZ-469B (SPG-9) was a service vehicle, it stands to reason for its addition to be in the tech tree, potentially between the M109G and leKPz M41 at 6.3.


Armament: 73mm SPG-9 recoilless rifle

Dimensions: 4.05m, 1.78m, 2,05m (L,W,H)

Weight: 1712~kg

Armor: None

Crew: 3 (4 if co-driver is included)

Ammunition: HE-FRAG and HEATFS

Speed: 100~kph

Horsepower: 75hp


Front View:

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Weapon In Use:


Таким он был… УАЗ-469Б с СПГ-9 "Копьё"…, а теперь "Ведришко" — УАЗ 469, 0,5 л, 1983 года | другое | DRIVE2
SPG-9 - Wikipedia
UAZ-469 - Wikipedia
Raketen- und Waffentechnischer Dienst (RWD) - 73-mm-Schwere Panzerbüchse SPG-9 mit Speziallafette auf UAZ 469
Raketen- und Waffentechnischer Dienst (RWD) - PKW gel. UAZ 469


would be pretty nice to see such a vehicle, i think it could be a pretty decent squadron vehicle


NATO won’t know what hit them when this bad boy drifts around the corner. Jokes aside, +1, this would be a neat little vehicle to see in-game!

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We need a big update where every nation gets their recoilless rifle kart. +1


+1 Why is the guy in the first pick mogging me?

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He knows he’s driving the most powerful vehicle ever created by man.


cant wait to play this speedy jeep!

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