What?? team of type 90 win in 99% just kill all.
Wtf gaijin?? Or you game now - PAYTOWIN?
For example, germany haven’t 11.0-3 obt and 2A4 like trash against Type 90.
Ok, usa have but m1a1 trash agains type90.
ussr mbt - who can beat type 90 at 11.3 and below? no one
Type 90 and TKX (P) are underarmored vehicles, just like Ariete but with actual no practical armor, just a small section on the front and nowhere else.
Lol. Ahahahaha. Yes devs think same.
But practice m1a1 shit. type90 Op. Armor not work in this game, round same, thermal lol. But reload work, speed work.
Either you want Leopard 2A4 at 11.3 or Type 90 at 10.7. Type 90’s armor performs the same Leopard 2A4 in their respective BR, on top of that, it also faces 12.0 weaponry. You should be grateful for the few moments you face a Type 90.
The Type 90 just like all other japanese MBTs has a huge flaw that’s the armor but it’s compensated by the firepower and mobility, something I can’t lie, Type 90 has a lot to offer in this segment, the only problem is;
The armor is worse than the comparison you used; the armor analysis lie a lot, you have to actually find holes by yourself:
“Type 90 is OP! Here’s team skill stats known as win rate that prove it’s not OP! Here’s a screenshot of a match showcasing the enemy’s team skill being superior to my team, further proving Type 90 is not OP!” - Not you, but the subject matter of your screenshots.
On those pictures there are 4 Type 90B ‘Fuji’ players, and 8 divided between Sweden and Germany, 2 in China, 2 in Great Britain and 1 in France.
This is not a evidence (if you claim as) enough to prove some kind of Overperform of the vehicle. It’s a just well coordinated team playing good as it should and could do. Call me crazy but fighting USA and USSR wallet warriors and completely destroying them (as you can see by the 1 and 2 death majority of the team board) doesn’t prove nothing.
Oh, and here we go again… Well, let’s begin. 1st Type 90, as strange as it may sound, is a “leopard” 2a4 at 11.3, with APFSDS from 10.0-10.7 With a reduced armor package by about 30-50 percent. (according to the snail’s secret materials). A typical battle for Type 90 is 11.7-12.0. In rare cases, its own BR or lower. (You mostly play against the stern at 9.7) All it has against top vehicles is APFSDS of 481 mm of penetration. (2a7, t80bvm, 2sep send their regards with their armor)
2e Before pointing out the protection of vehicles, first set the appropriate APFSDS for BR for each vehicle.
3e Skill issue.
Well, I sympathize with you. If you’re complaining about the Type 90’s one key factor in its viability, the 4 second reload time, which keeps it from being considered just trash.
I ask two pro-player and they answered yes type90 op. On thunderskill type90 fuji most popular vehicle in both mods. All youtubers said he op and buy it. You say not. Hmmm.
I am not discuss with you. I will only listen to those who understand what type 90 is OP and paytowin.
Where I can find win rate by nation and br now?
Lie. On 11.0 I meet him in 8/10 battle
leopard 2pl or m1a1hc have same br or 11.7 and their armor against 12.0 trash, round worse and they haven’t 4 sec reload and? But they on 11.7
Win rate does not and will never prove if a vehicle is OP.
Thunderskill is both an anecdote, and is for PLAYER SKILL, not vehicle balance.
“We are in no way affiliated with War Thunder & encourage players to use TS respectfully, not a source of “Proof” in any way related to game/vehicle developments.”
Type 90 is not pay to win, nor is it OP. It’s literally identical with the tech tree counterpart, and the M1A1 has similar armor with a vastly superior round, better turret mobility, and better optics… all at the same BR.
1 gen thermal. And the thermal imager is of little importance. Pro just didnt use thermal lol. I am not pro, but
** why the leopard 2a5 and 2a7hu are on the same BR?** Mmmm Or you think they really same?
I answered - becouse only speed and firepower importance on top.
I see how donated type 90 kill half of enemy team in 2-3 min. This is fact.