I am here today to discuss a travesty in the chinese tech tree. A once beautiful premium the type 69 2 g was amazing at 8.7 and 8.3 respectively. Now it has been nerfed into the ground.
This tank has 0 composite armor and minimal ERA for 9.0 considering most games are uptiers and your facing object 292s now and wolfpacks and everything else premium under the sun at 10.0
This tank has a standard 350mm pen dart for the 8.3 and 8.7 BR now in comparssion the TAM also at 9.0 now with DM 33 and next to none armor but also the type 69 for this respective BR has no armor and an even worst round so how does that make sense? One is an MBT and one is a light tank yet both have 0 zero armor for this BR and one has an even worst round yet the type 69 is at 9.0 though?
This makes 0 sense this thing is a literal t55 on steroids with terrible turret rotation and a bad reload yet here me out were still at 9.0 lol its sister tank the ZTZ88B at least has a compsite screen for the lowe plate to give it some sort of protection on an angle. So once again how is this tank at 9.0? I understand decrompession but dont nerf the tank i bought at 8.7 and wanted it to stay that way because now when irs uptiered its pratically useless. I have to play this thing like a light tank and literally hide behind rocks just to stay alive or even worst just sit still and snipe with a gun that has almost no depression
As yoh can see in the picture this is a standard 8.7 round not that would easily pen this tank now imagine this thing in a 9.3 game or 9.7 or even worst a 10. Game? This thing has literally been killed and im literally pissed they took a tank i paid my hard earned money for that i bought for a specific reason and they killed it for who? Just to make way for more preiuems to appease butt hurt people? Im so sick of gaijin killing certain tanks when they nerf it by upping its BR and in do so they make it unplayable and not enjoyable what so ever anymore.
I propose from here on out we make a player base decisions on which tanks get uptiered only on our approval should a tank be moved up in BR and this only should happen through polling, this is our game and we are the customers why do we not have a say in what goes where? We need to realize our power here.