Type 10 and TK-X CVT

Type 10 and TK-X feel incredibly sluggish compared to their real counterparts. This is because in name they only have an 8 gear transmission, while, IRL, the Type 10 and TK-X have a CVT which lets them accelerate very quickly. Gaijin does not have to model a complete CVT, but an increased acceleration for the tanks would be very welcome.


While they are at it they could also do the same for tanks with electrical transmissions, on top of just reworking .

Most of them have very disappointing and quickly copy pasted transmissions. Some gears end up with the same top speed as other gears (M6A2E1 and T1E1 have a top speed of 3 km/h on both the 1st and 2nd gear, the Maus has a 3 km/h top speed on both the 2nd and 3rd gear), or even just lacking a decent number of gears to actually let them accelerate (the T25 has only 5 forward gears distributed over a 50 km/h range, and 3 of those gears are used at 6, 8 and 12 km/h).

I’d like to see tanks with electrical transmissions actually even somewhat feel like they do have electrical transmissions (I know it’s impossible to model right now, but just giving them better and more gear ratios in general would go a long way).


I think it would be more appropriate to call it HMT(油圧機械式無段階自動変速操向機) instead of CVT, although it is similar. I hope that the mobility of the Type 10 tanks will be reproduced soon.


One of the advantages of a stepless transmission is that it allows continuous operation at the high power point of the engine.
Taking starting acceleration as an example, in a multi-step transmission, it is necessary to lower the engine speed to a speed corresponding to the reduction ratio each time the gear is shifted (shifted up). This means that the engine output, which was operating at a high output point, is reduced once, and this appears as a seam in the acceleration.
On the other hand, in the case of a stepless transmission, the vehicle speed can be continuously changed by changing the reduction ratio while keeping the engine speed constant, thus enabling continuous trial operation at the high output point of the engine. This allows for better acceleration than with a multi-stage transmission.
The ability to use the engine’s high output point regardless of vehicle speed also contributes to improved turning performance, as it allows a large amount of power to be allocated to turning at any vehicle speed.
In the Type 10 tank, the clutch and planetary gear for switching forward and backward are placed in front of the gearbox, so the maximum speed and maneuverability can be achieved in backward motion as in forward motion.


Issue is that Transmissions haven’t been implemented in War Thunder properly yet. All tanks act like they have CVT transmission.

For example the T-80U accelerates to 32km/h in 4 seconds in game instead of 8 seconds.


It’s the exact opposite.

WarThunder, as it currently is coded, can’t model variable gear ratios (therefore it can’t properly model a CVT, or an electrical transmission). That’s why these transmissions have hard coded, fixed gear ratios in-game, even though it really should just be one gear ratio forwards and one reverse, each one capable of varying itself up to a certain limit to reach some selectable top speeds, specially when it comes to electrical transmissions.

WarThunder also doesn’t model torque, specifically tank engine torque.
This means it is basically impossible to model torque converters, as these mechanisms multiply the torque output by the engine when at low RPM, at least to my understanding. Transmissions that have torque converters simply end up having double (or very near double) of the gear ratios to compensate.


Why can’t they just artificially increase its Horsepower to better simulate its irl abilities in-game?


I believe there is a “bug” report currently being passed on for this.


^Credit to tanuki10

The bug report was labeled as not a bug, but it seems to have been passed on as a suggestion instead.
So at the least, it has been taken note of.

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Steering bug probably have the same source