Turan II Battle-rating

With the upcoming release of the Hungarian sub-tree I started playing the Turan II but I noticed it’s at 2.3 realistic instead of 2.0 where the Panzer 4 F1, a similar tank but with better HEAT shells is at. What gives?

It can go -43kph in reverse. Pz IV can go -8.
Probably a bigger help than the 11% more penetration since 90mm is plenty that that BR.

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yeah 90mm is enough for such a low BR and a high reverse speed is much more welcome, and as a british main i think i am most qualified to talk about this with their legendarily slow reverse speeds

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You should try doing the “reverse into battle,” strategy, like how the IS-2 players do, it is extremely fun with the Turan II. With the quick reload you can pummel enemy vehicles quite nicely.

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You’re right, people just keep shooting the engine block. Wow.

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yeah at lower BRs before APFSDS or APDS the armour of the engine may aswell be 10,000mm

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Before the update I played a lot in GRB with the hungarian vehicles only /Toldi, Turan II, Me 110-G4, Me 109-G2/. That means the matches went up to 5.3. My experience says that the BR of the Turan II should be 3.0 (or even 3.3). Using his advantages /high forward and backward speed combined with smoke, HEAT, reload speed/ it is reaaly good cruiser tank.
However the players need to spend some time to look after the weak spots /place of the gunners f.e./ of the possible enemies. But then they can even succeed against heavy tanks.