Most maps in war thunder are designed for brawling, especially at top tier. Sure, some maps you can find a nice sniping spot, but since T series tanks are very good brawlers, they just kill your team in the brawling spot and flank around the entire thing. Also, some maps are strictly brawling. Just saying, I think adding some larger maps (or better designed maps) or even a gamemode where you could snipe and brawl in a large area with more people, sure, an fps reduction, but since it would be optional, it would most likely be fine. And don’t say that they would have to put a bunch of effort into that. There are countless air maps that they have already put out that they could add things to which would make them tank-ready. Also, it would satisfy the nations that have great long range tanks. For example, Britain, USA, or even Italy.
Your larger maps, sir.
Sinai used to be good
I like Volokolamsk
Fire arc is just horrible map design.
The problem isn’t long range maps, the problem is Gajin sucks at making them. Pradesh for example is a great long range map.
Don’t forget that large variant of tunisia that is only available for 9.7+ matches, that map is absolutely huge
+1 I have to agree with everything you said, wolokolamsk is good for flanking. And Sands of Sinai simply got ruined, for whatever reason
Sinai is even worse for spawn camping because there are less sniping spots now, so people just push to spawn lol. Well done Gajin, you really thought this all through. I had a BR4 match where we spawn locked them in 3 minutes recently. Having B cap in 2 cap match, outside their spawn, who would’ve seen that coming. THe one map designer room temp IQ shining again.