Troubles with Gaijin issue website moderators

Hi, I’m really starting to lose my patience, we’re taking our time to write and document bug reports which are mostly brushed aside by the moderation team!

I no longer count the number of “not a bug” received even though said bug was corrected in the next update, nor the number of bug reports left unanswered on the site…

The latest one, marked as a duplicate (indeed, scanning from the QR code does not make it possible to check whether such a report exists in the same language) was clearly indicated to me as resolved even though I recorded the clip in the link which clearly shows the bug today!!!


The fact it is mark as closed make us speachless to defend the point. I’ll appreciate to be be able to discuss about it…

Do you think our time deserves no consideration? We are here to play and pay for it, not to spend our time doing the work of testers. I don’t enjoy leaving the game to make a bug report, and then having to take screenshots, edit videos, explain how the bug happens if applicable, or even having to play private matches to succeed has replicated the methodology to reveal a bug, as I was asked recently…

We are customers, and not receiving any consideration for this saddens me, I have the impression of asking for a service and this is not is not normal.


The bug was already acknowledged

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If you read Magiaconatus comment he said it his resolved.


Here are bugs reports I made, look how many are even not tagged…

And some are tagged “as not a bug” but it is because they don’t understand the point of what I’m reporting (OK, they re not bug but just some confusion between icones but anyway they have to be fixed)