As I said above, trees have roots, when a tank goes through the tree, its bottom isn’t going to just pop out of the ground and make the tree fall on top of the tank. The roots hold it, therefore when a tank hits a tree, it’s going to fall top first as the roots hold the bottom at a steady place until it falls out.
Yeah, would be a great addition if they change it so that only a very very small amount of trees sticks to your tank, and most trees just stay on the ground. Countless times i have been killed by not seeing shit because my Vision was pbscured by a tree.
Another issue is the zombie shrubbery that just reapeas after you mow it down with your MG.
Trees are the ground equivalent to what the cloud spam is to air.
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I ain’t no treeologist, so have no take on how grippy roots should be, but I will say, it would be nice if driving through tree’s didn’t cause them to get gorilla glued to your roof, and block you optics for the following 30 seconds or so.
Trying to aim with the entire Amazon rainforest stuffed down your sights is remarkably un-bussin.