Transfer of console-created accounts now available (suspended)

Because you are on an XBOX account. You are in the XBOX ecosystem so anything you do on your gaming account has to go through XBOX. The Gaijin store is not connected to xbox or microsoft . So if you were to buy from the gaijin store, gaijin would have to pay microsoft and somehow download that content to your xbox account. This is why anything you buy has to go through the xbox store.

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If gaijin wana “safe” money they will remove a bundles and make all tanks avaible for golden eagles. It will resolve problems for peoples like me and make earn them more money. They will bypass the intermediary microsoft and sony…

une idee de quand les transsfert de compte seront remmis en place ?

English Dude

The console companies were more concerned with the loot boxes and the marketplace since the loot boxes have a near zero chance of actually giving you a top prize it would be easy for kids to get stuck into gambling. And the market place is players paying players for the most part so there isnt an easy way for the console companies to stick their mits into it and get a cut of the action.

Its not as simple as you are thinking it is. There are rules in place with both MS and sony in regards to having an ingame market inside the game. If you are that upset over it, start a new PC account and have at it. otherwise wait for when they are able to open it up.

It’s difficult to create new account because i lost a lot of time grinding vechicles and put a lot of money (for me) inside.

I’m not complaining - just give some ideas for solve problem. If developer give sone option thinks about all responsibles i think.

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Looks like Im going to miss another event in Star Conflict because I cant transfer my account… Oh well, less money for gaijin.


I am new to this thread so idk if this has been answered but do you think they may be implementing a new way to do this on their software or something? I dont know how many requests they had gotten but a year seems like more than enough time to go through every request so that seems like maybe this amount of time would have been used to implement something actually helpful.

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They actively refuse to make this process better in any way.
Basically, according to the devs, they have a few people that are coping lines of code from game data manually. That why this process takes so long.

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That just seems so inefficient I mean that seems to be one of the problems with this system that so many people want/need I feel like maybe they should make this a priority you know but of corse we are all here because we want that.

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Theres no question they should care more than they do now. Even if it is just the minimum of making clear announcements on the subject.

Its all realy odd cause Gaijin is forever making decisions that say they want more of our money, but here we all are basically saying “take it” and they are saying no.


I completely agree I feel like they could be making so much money off of us. Has playstation/xbox threatened them? not to my knowledge. Also I am not a lawyer but i think that this seems to be a sort of grey zone because they are not ought-right stealing profits just providing a service and neither playstation nor xbox wants to take the game off of the store because that would waste so much money.

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no updates?

me too its so cooked

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So ive been waiting for this service to come back as ive grinded wayy to many hours on xbox and just got my solid pc build up and running. Are we still just waiting for the transfer to be available almost a year later?

same situation here. and yes we are still waiting.

You most likely know this but some don’t, but you can still login on pc just your account is still a console one. so no access to stuff like the marketplace.

When will it reopen??? i missed out on this bc i was away and am hoping it will reopen soon.

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I wonder what they would do if a large WT content creator had this issue? maybe make it more of a priority? or if say something like that mass downvote happened because of this.


please for the love of good do a video on this or a live stream so we know what we are getting into because u guys don’t explain this that well and I’m hell confused about what I get when I transfer my account from Xbox to PC

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