Transfer of console-created accounts now available (suspended)

They may look here, but they sure arent doing anything about it

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you would think that they are losing money on not having it open due to the fact that it keeps the middle man with microsoft store and ps store and less users being able to use the market


What about you sell console and start playing just on pc, you cant buy only golden eagles in shop and premium (not bundle) via tech tree. Why i cant buy everyting on pc same as on xbox

seems like they changed the support page to link to here and doesnt mention when it was stopped so they are likely 1 annoyed with support tickets or 2 bringing it back.

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and seem like they switched away from if statements back to when

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Hope they are developing a transfer system where they do not have to copy and paste every single code line with the needs of a person or we would be back suspended again as soon as the service is back

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I hope this is the case, I’ve been checking and waiting to transfer my account for a long while and can’t get rid of my PS4 till I transfer my account as it is the only way to make GE purchases

I am waiting a year now… fix it! i want some tanks and stuff from the shop!

Any update on this? Want to use the marketplace

Seems they abandoned this. Sucks

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All that happened to me was I got my account suspended for a month.I don’t think it was a success.

A dev was responding on here, but I annoyed him by repeatedly asking questions that his cookie cutter answers didnt cover.

they will do the transfers again Im sure, they just have to wait till the 1 or 2 people they have in their basement get caught up.


They also dont want to upset Microsoft or Sony by taking players away from them, and loosing money because they can buy directly from Gaijin now. I was an xbox account and got transferred over last year. They dont pre announce you just have to check the forums and reddit which sucks and no idea why they dont give an estimate on transfers.

If you didnt start transfering proces before gaijin “suspended” it they will not preces you ever. I sold my xbox in september and move to pc and wait for “resume” this proces again - many peoples do… That was’nt a problem if i can use market or buy for example bundles via shop.

Is there any possibility this will be added again, even if only temporarily in the future?

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They will but they can only move accounts every so often. Due to agreements with the console manufacturers they cant give access to a secondary market place and if they did they would have to provide compensation for those purchases. So if you bought $30 vehicle off the market, the persona selling it would end up with $10 as sony and ms would take a cut then gaijin would take their cut and the seller would get a lot less.

My only thought with it is, how are they gonna know it’s consistently always correct shit happens sometimes I think it would be possible for another system to cross. Check the files and make sure everything was transferred correctly. And then just having somebody check and make sure each operation happened, Correctly.

How You know all of that. Check every massage from the devs and didnt catch that?! What about bundles? I can leave without the makret (prices are to hight on it) but dont understant why it is not posiible to buy any bundles playing PC on a xbox account

but when is it opening again i need the transfer

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The console companies could have made a better deal to have better cross play, but they choose not to.The consoles loosing players, and money, is due to their choices.

They can transfer accounts as often as they want to. Gaijin, and Gaijin alone keeps stopping this process. With the amount of money Gaijin would stand to gain it would make sense for them to better streamline the process, or simply hire more people, but sadly Gaijin doesnt do much that makes sense.

Nobody knows. All the devs will say is “when/if”.
youll just have to keep checking the forums and hope to catch when they make a new topic or if we all get lucky update this topic.