Tracer rounds, and why the shooter of them is the ONLY person who doesnt see them

what IS the purpose of a tracer round??

is it for everyones entertainment and amusement?

or is it to aid the shooter of them in hitting his target?

because to me it seems like its the former, when it ought to be the latter.

ive seen tracer rounds shot by other vehicles from tanks and planes from every angle, and they look like streams of laser munitions from star trek.

but get in a spaa and what do you see? grey puffs of virtual invisibility, why is that?

you could argue its because the spaa operator is looking into the sky, but then so is every other tank witnessing the spaa’s shots, only to the other tank it look like christmas streamers, but to the spaa guy himself, the tracer may as well not even be there, because the shots are nigh on impossible to see.

this is a programming error in my view and needs to be addressed.

afterall, the purpose of tracer rounds is to aid the shooter, not everybody else.

Have you fired “stealth belts” before? No one sees them. Yes tracers are visible from the side. You really don’t want have your view obstructed with star trek lazers while you are shooting at things.


nobody is saying you are going to be blinded!
what then IS the purpose of a tracer round in your opinion??
please, enlighten me.

the sole reason for their existence is to aid the shooter in acquiring his target, otherwise, why bother???

Thats wrong. Try again.

tracer rounds

looking specifically at ‘functionality vs standard rounds’

maybe not the sole reason, but certainly THE important purpose of.

those ‘stealth belts’ are belts of munitions that dont contain tracer rounds…

im specifically talking of belts which INCLUDE tracer, hence the post BEING about tracer!

SPAA should all get stealth belts so that can actually engage something without giving away their position to everything in a 20km radius.


it would be less of a problem being targeted by planes if you could knock the planes out before they got close.
ive shot at planes that are coming head on, aiming right at the nose with an ostwind, 2 hits if you are lucky, hardly any of them fatal.

as it stands, from the operators perspective they ARE stealth belts, because he’s the only person who cant see the tracer effect. for everyone else they are a big signpost to where you are located.

gaijin clearly favours planes in this game. they are dropping 1000lb and 2000lb bombs, hell, im even playing tier one rn, and they are dropping 500lb bombs, its ridiculous.

obvs people have complained about lack of kills by bombers and gaijing has increased their odds 1000%.
when tankers are complaining about bombers though, in a GROUND battle, its a conspiracy of silence.

SPAA doesn’t even have a proper sight yet and you’re stuck using third person and still get blinded by your own muzzle flash.
Improving SPAA usability, increasing rewards, stealth belts and more proxy options, scouting… so easy to improve their situation but 10 years of complaining and literally nothing is done, it’s still the most boring, most situational, highest skill requirement and most unrewarding task in the game.

SPAA is outright miserable most of the time, and then they do things like remove the Coelian, make the Kugelblitz a joke and refuse to lower it to a useable BR, and add some useless trash Zerstorer that adds nothing of value in my opinion and gets zero protection.


i couldnt agree more.
SPAA is a joke, oftentimes they are much too slow to escape any bomb of the ridiculous size and blast zone we see in game these days such as 1000 and 2000lb bombs.

hitting planes from over 1 kilometre requires more skill than a tank requires, yet the rewards for killing a plane are much less than killing a tank for some bizarre reason, given a bomber can take out 6-10 tanks in one pass.

that and the points i raised earlier about the tracers, SPAA is a joke, a bit of a meme.

ok so recently they changed fighters from seeing name markers, but they at least get to see tracer streams, even if the actual spaa operator never does…

so not only are they hogtied in respect of plane attacks, they are also vulnerable to tank attacks, and they are crap vs bombs, but not just bombs, mere bullets are deadly to a spaa in most cases, and only have mediocre abilities to fight back.

what does make me laugh is the relative ease tanks in the american range with their hull and turret mounted machine guns, can take out a plane, but a spaa with 4 guns? totally different story for some ODD reason.

people talk about russian bias all the time, which i dont buy into, but imho, there is most certainly a plane vs tank bias

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Is this a wind-up??

I’ve never had any problem with not being able to see my own AA tracers, nor with hitting aircraft with M13 or M16 US SPAA - they M-16 in particular is hell on wheels (and tracks) against a/c.

Replay or it never happened.

why would it be a wind up?

you think i’d come on here wasting my own time complaining about a problem that was imaginary???

i dont care if you think it happened or not tbph

I don’t have trouble seeing my own tracers when I’m playing anti-air, but I have seen some CCs who’ve noted (and shown) how their anti-aliasing setting (and maybe whether or not they’re using DLSS?) effect how well they can see their tracers. Maybe fiddle around with those setting to see if that’s the culprit for you, too?


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For me, DLSS throws everything outta kilter flying planes(I am not even sure WT is set up for DLSS or that Nvidia has worked it out for this game) making planes at 2 - 3 kilometers away look like 8 - 10 kms, and vice versa . . . if I were not playing AB with markers I would have no idea at all where or how far enemy planes were. And I run a 3080Ti and if I set the SSAA to anything but off, it causes my gpu to run 10° - 15° C hotter than normal and WAAAY outta acceptable ranges for me. I have never intentionally set that higher, except the first time I tried it and said . . . uh oh . . . nope. But I have had the game reset all my graphics settings before and every time, it sets SSAA to 4x . … and I see my temps spiking and freak out . . lol. I get perfectly good graphics without DLSS, run a 1440p monitor and it looks great . . I think here, DLSS may only benefit lower end gpu’s . . . but have no idea for sure . . but all this holds true for this and the 2 other PC’s I use as well, so . . . just what I get

If you don’t care about the opinion of randoms on a public forum then wtf did you post here?

Also your post implies that no-one else sees their own tracers - which is obviously not true so look for an answer closer to home than blaming Gaijin

With a 3080ti you could run WT at 4K with the high res. textures and no DLSS. With 4K you could even disable anti-aliasing, as pixels are very small anyway. The only time you would need DLSS is when you play on a potato and you need higher frame rates in FPS games. DLSS adds a tad of latency, though.

I played WT at 1440p with RTX 3060 for a while at high settings and didn’t have any problems. Definitely didn’t use DLSS as well. Was getting 120 fps that my monitor was set to.

With such a nice card, I hope you have plenty of RAM. 16GB is passable, but 32GB should be the norm for gaming these days and it’s not that expensive.

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64Gb on all 3 systems, 2 use 3080Ti and the old man in the bunch has a 3070 . . . it has been my “upgrade unit” since I got it 8 years ago for $50 at a little PC shop around the corner in a very small town in Oklahoma . . .lol. That thing has had so many parts changed out, it’s mother wouldn’t know it . . . but it still works great . . . ol’ reliable back up . . . everybody needs one.
Thanks for your input and confirmation, much appreciated(and yeah, I have a 43" 4k monitor, just have to totally rearrange the “Command Center” to get it set up again . . it was too close before[Oh my Neck!!])
thanks again!

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If any of your computers has 4 sticks of RAM, you can use 2 of them for another project later down the line. If you have a good graphics card, you will never max out that 32GB in most games (well, except maybe if you play latest Microsoft Flight Simulator). 64GB is really useful in 3D work or any video editing. There are certain setups for gaming that you would actually benefit from using just 2 sticks versus 4 (use the slots 1 and 3, starting with the one farthest from the CPU). Try some benchmarking while running a game to see any difference.

Edit: 3070 is a nice card, but the bottleneck is the 8GB of VRAM. Not good for decent quality 4K. You can still use it for 4K gaming, but I would recommend turning on DLSS in this case. Your other 3080 ti cards, definitely DLSS off.

How “bad” is your case with that 3070 card computer? That 3070 can still bring decent money, but you would be better off with something like 4070 Super with 12GB GDDR6X VRAM. I don’t think you need 3 gaming computers for 4K, though lol, so it’s better to sell it now and invest in something later down the road, especially during the Holidays sales.
You might consider getting a decent case now with RGB fans and a RGB controller for about $70 (you can still sell your old case for $10-20), move all the stuff there, including the 3070, and then try to sell it online as a gaming computer for some extra cash for your next project ;). You would be surprised how some rig facelift can bring more interest (and more profit) in what you have for sale, especially if the case, fans and Windows install are new. This is a good time to sell, as school year starts soon.

Yeah the thing with tracers is they are in the back of the round and only from the back visible. Not from the side or front. Its a engine bug or stupid gameplay decision. “The last thing you want is to idicate to the enemy where you are” . Also the down side of muntion with tracers is that the balstics change as the tracer charge burns up and the round gets ligther in the proces.