Another day, another rotten carrot. With the broken Stretch Armstrong aiming system, drunk aiming director, AI ships precision snipe your plane from 6 km while my AI guns have hard time killing a plane from less than 2 km that comes straight at me, stealth enemy planes (including a cow Pe-8) not showing on the minimap half of the time, no engine sound until it’s too late, stealth incoming enemy shells where you explode out of a sudden, looking at the enemy ship that shoots at me (there was nobody else in the view) and you can’t sometimes see his guns fire as well (no smoke or anything), overperforming/underperforming shells, the Sinking Simulator, recent invisible torpedoes… now, apparently, torpedoes can go through land and rock. I though I’ve seen everything, but I guess I’m mistaken.
Edit: I can add to that the match maker out of hell with 1-sided steamrolls, starting matches with very few players and then adding a bunch more much later that tip the scale of the match, repeating maps that you don’t want to play, constant uptiers and losing streaks (sometimes 12 or more in a row).
Gaijin, why are you always doing this during the events? I just don’t understand why you can’t hire someone to test your game patches before releasing it in the wild? Why are we the guinea pigs used for testing?