Torpedo spam - Fox 3 of Naval!

This topic is for Arcade Naval, but it may apply to RB as well, to lesser degree due to lack of reloading.

So what’s up people. I’ve been grinding the French Battleship naval event, in hope for a better battleship than Courbet.

But there are annoying elements.

There are some partials with Torpedos and Fox 3s, even if you don’t expect it.

  • Fire and forget
  • Spammed
  • Requires the targeted party to go on defensive (turn 90 degs)

I mained Japan before any other lines. Torpedos are not fun to play, and not fun to play against. While they are acceptable in lower tier, they become very frustrating to play against in battleship tier where many battleships are slow, especially the WW1 ships with very low speed.

On a added twist, ships usually collide with each other, making defending even worse.

Much like the F-14 against 11.7/12.0 planes in Air battles, they force the game to be played around them.

I’ve never had any issues, at least in RB. I guess in AB they are spammed far more because I assume they rearm.

But given they arent guided at all and thus fired in a fairly general direction. I would hardly consider them the “fox-3 of Naval”


Well I listed my reasons why I called them fox 3 of naval.

By the way, there are people who actually want submarines and guided missile destroyers (not the AA missile ships) that will make this issue way worse.

I want Subs. They seem like they would be fun to addition to the gamemode. ASMs, not yet, but not far off either

Generally the red stuff on the map!

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I’m confused about this post. Torpedoes are one of the most important weapon types in naval engagements. And they’re completely unguided- far from fox-3, they’re fox-0. Easy to avoid. And also present on the majority of vehicles, so the comparison to the F-14 is odd to say the least.


Awareness is the main defence against torpedoes - you can often see them being launched, travelling, and finally the warning, and you ALWAYS need to be prepared to comb against them - the ship responsiveness skill is quite important for this.

I find they are fun to play for and against - they have their own combat “environment” that you have to think about as well as above-sea level weapons, and aircraft as well.

Wishing them away is just laziness IMO - unwillingness to acknowledge the full breadth of the game and/or put a bit more thought into attacking with or defending against them.

They will add little or nothing to the game if ever included - I hope they are never seen again.

Should I call it realistic for navies did spam torps all day long (?

Torpedos are not guided…

Vary your course and speed, and suddenly they’re not a problem

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