Tornado IDS teams getting slaughtered

Since the release of the Marine Tornado and the WTD Tornado there are now 3 german Strike Tornados with almost identical BR in Air RB and with exception of Assta in Ground RB.

When you join up an Air RB match, you end up in teams consisting mainly of Tornados vs. F-14, F-16, Mig-23 etc. Its an absolute slaughter. Tornado FM is too bad and the ordnance selection largely inferior. Be it vs. ground targets or air targets:
Its BR is just too high. It needs a drastic BR decrease to bring it out of at least F-14 / F16 dominated BRs. Same for ground forces: You got 10.3 BR with nothing than unguided 1000lb bombs (like a ww2 plane!!!). How are you supposed to bring these into a target? One Strela or 2S38 hammers Tornados out of the sky in the dozens before you get close enought to drop your shiny 1000lb bomb. Unguided bombs might work for Alpha Jets at 9.0, but sorry…not at 10.3. Bmp’s or any IFV with IR lock are already sufficient to shot your big, unemaneuverable thing down. The Assta in GRB is the same, laser guided bombs are great around the 10-11 BR bracket. But Assta faces Pantsirs etc and thats already end of story.

Do something for the Tornado. Either get it better ordnance or match their BR with Tornado’s limited capabilities (dumb 1000 lb bombs and 2 Sidwinders are lol).


honestly a bad complained when a tornado flight model rework happens next patch

Please get back to this once you tried the new tornado flight model, right now its pretty much useless

Imo the overall adition for groundstrike in Air RB isn’t that smart. Yes the tornados are bad I have one too. They are slow and get clapped by even a aim9b because they are so hot. But lets be honest there is nothing we can do. Ppl just want the easiest way to get to top tier and idk why you play a high tier strike when its not even a premium. I only see the premium one.

It won’t get better. The tornado is just a bus with 12,000 lbs of bombs. I managed to win a dogfight against a mig 23ml once but that was mostly luck XD

At its current high BR It needs better sidewinders or Iris-T. It just got two shots and the 9L base version never hits cause of flares.

In GRB it needs Mavericks or something like that. The Assta could be lowered below 11.0 in GRB. Alot GBU strike jets with 4 or more GBUs and jets with Mavericks are in fact below 11.0 (as low as 10.3). Why is the Assta hat high BRed in GRB? It just has one GBU-24 and two GBU-16. Its three strikes. vs. jets with far more guided ordnance at far lower BRs. The two Tornados with just 1000lb bombs dunno…what are they good for at 10.3 GRB BR? As I said dumb bomb stop working around 9.0 BR. Thats an issue. Any way to get them better ordnance?

What was said about the AIM-9B is true. Vs Tornado even the 9B Sidewinder suddenly becomes a usable all aspect missile. This thing is too big and too hot lol.


Tornado FM is getting a major fix , so wait for that with the next major update. But unfortunately 11.3 is as low as they can go.

Foe the 11.7s, I’m hoping we can argue for IRCCM missiles instead of them being the correct BR of 11.3

your main complained was ARB, thats where it will matter

again coming flight model change, it will become a good bit better in dogfights

that is where main complain was about in ARB which it will perform better as a result

Lets see how it works with that update. But even as 12.000 lb bomb bus it fails hard. I just had the bomb task and tried to do it with the WTD Tornado. Even when you’re lucky and the Phoenix spam misses you (which hardly happens), you almost always end up with no base to bomb. I had this several times: Mirages, F-16 etc. snatch all bases before you get close.

Tornado is too slow for even the bomb bus role. Its good for nothing.

Welcome to ARB…

Short of it being 10.0 or lower that won’t change. Even the jaguar at 9.7 sometimes has a hard time getting bases.

I’d try to learn how to play it in ASB. It is way better

They need to adjust its BR then. A Striker which won’t even reach a base in time, has just two AA missiles and just 1000lb bombs fails its BR. Then it needs to be lowered.

You can’t even adjust your loadout. No rocket pods, no big bombs, no AGMs…just 1000lb bombs…absolutly nothing beside that. Even my 10.3 Phantom beats that with far more loadout variety.

The problem is that at 10.3 in a full downtiers it would be OP.

Even at 11.0 it could be OP Vs 10.0s that have limited flares or speed and it would be unfair for say the jaguars, bucs,.etc that are slower than the tornado when they want to get a base. So do they now need to go lower?

The solution is not to drop it’s BR by miles. The solution is either to add more bases, add an RB EC gamemode or go play air SIM


Do you really think that with IRIS-T the tornado would stay at its Br?

This would remain to be seen. Its still a huge bus, emitting alot heat, with just two missiles. Two. While others have alot, alot more AA ordnance. Ordnance count and the bad platforms needs to be considered. It could well be that they add IRIS-T and Tornado-heavy teams keep getting slaughtered anyways. Before that they could also experiment with AIM-9L/i, 9L/i-1 or 9L/i-2 and whatnot. But considering my 9L/i-1 expierience in Air RB, they are still rather easy to flare off. For a Phantom with 4+4 AA missiles it won’t matter alot. But since Tornados just got two AAMs its needs something which matters.

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11.7 tornados could just about scrape Aim-9M / Aim-9Li but that might even bump it up further and instead we might need to look at other buffs to justify the 11.7 rating like BOL.

Tornado IDS with ASRAAM / IRIS-T would be more like 13.0 unless they were heavily nerfed and even then, probably 12.3 ISH

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fly low, stay away from battlefield, kill bots, surprise enemy jets

i still dont understand why gaijin doesnt introduce airframe limits…
they limit bombers to 4 per team, so why not limit each airframe to 4, or 6 per team.

sadly its not an american aircraft. it would sit at 10.7 or 10.3 max.

Earlier had another match with mainly German WTD Tornados in the team, some Asstas as well. Not a single Nado scored a PvP kill and all got butchered in the first 3-4 minutes. The rest of the team is doomed ofc…not more than 4 kills, while the opposite team racked up kill after kill. One F-14 player alone scored 3.

These Nados are a joke vs. fighters at 11.3 / 11.7 (Why is the Assta higher BRed? Its GBUs won’t matter in GRB!!!). Their stiff flight model just doesn’t allow much more than flying in a straight line and at this BR you’re not even faster than ya competition. If these constant air massacres won’t allow a drastic BR decrease then what ever would be? GRB the same, with that meh ordnance its current BRs are hardly warranted.

Edit, just in. Trying to do a base bombing task.
One of these Tornado heavy teams after 5 ingame mins in Air RB. Thats not even the worst example. They won’t even reach the bases, to release bombs. Except for one lucky exception.
Jesus, do something for the IDS Tornados. Theyre completly defenseless, compared to their opposition and too slow to reach bases first. The rest of the team is doomed as well, when that many players play this really weak aircraft.
shot 2024.09.08 15.20.01

Why are you trying to dogfight in an IDS tornado?

Thats what the ADVs are for


Being fixed next major. Just wait.

Just did a match in the Torando Gr1 (so 11.7 and worse engines than the WTD61)

First ARB match in the Tornado GR1 in a very long time

1x full base kill and 1x finished off a base (could have gotten 2x full base kills if I hadn’t forgotten to set my bomb fuse correctly and didnt damage my aircraft forcing me to limp back home (if I had been able to do a quick RTB, I could have easily gotten 4x base kills)

when I did manage to RTB, I then won a gunfight vs a Mig-21 (with a Sea Harrier supporting) (and this is with old FM, god the Tornado is going to be good next major)

Yes the 11.7s need to go 11.3 or they need something to actually make them worthy of being higher. But after… they are fine for now.


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