Tornado GR.4: Tenacious Tonka

Yeah, though still nothing you can realistically do vs even a Su-25SM3. It has double your range

which is a very recent change, the folders were made beforehand

Damn, the first USSR aircraft that can even think of competing with the F-16C for lethality… being added in the same update as the F-15E.

The issue lies solely with US aircraft.

It can now actually hit a target out that far?

Honestly one of the best statements.
When I played DCS I’d hunt rooms that didn’t allow ARH missiles, cause that was the most saturated playstyle.

Sometimes you want limited capabilities for a different, or more fun, experience.

depending on speed, i suspect the 60s lifetime will be the only limiting factor now

Same can be said for anything with an E-Paveway or JDAM, or also now SDB. Only real difference there is time to target.

So it was made faster?

that does not change the fact the top of the tree for Britain sits at 11.7 rather than 12.0 due to not being worthy of the 12.0

That limited capability really makes Britain super fun…

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no, it’s not faster

Its ok your top tier British light tank will make getting the Tornado a breeze…

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I’m working on that.


Why hurt me like this? lol


True, though using any of those via GPS only, can be defeated by just moving. ePaveway might be usable with the laser in SEAD, but I sitll reckon youd have to enter within range of the pantsir to do it. You dont vs an ADATS

I prefer slightly OP missiles that make my GR4 unkillable than even more powerful missiles.

Only really limited by SPI like all A2G weapons at the minute. So everyone is maxing out to 20km with a few exceptions like Martel which if you don’t set SPI at all you can use the seeker to hit point targets out to 30km.

Quick and dirty comparison between the two

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Slightly out of date there, the weight is down to 50kg now.