Tornado GR.4: Tenacious Tonka

Because it’s a Russian company with Russian employees, some of whom are extremely biased against Western weapon systems. In reality, balance considerations have not interested anyone since at least the open beta of the game. This fact, along with the desire to present Russian weapons in a more favorable light compared to Western counterparts, contributes to the current situation.


It’s an 18km range, not 12:

Easily stand-off of all SPAA when played correctly.

It probably should be 20km, but with current SPAA it doesn’t change the playstyle.
“Spam” Brimstones from 18 - 16km, dodge Pantsir with a minor turn, and get at least one kill, up to 3 probably.

So that’s why NATO stuff is superior to everything Soviet in War Thunder… oh wait, NATO isn’t Russian.
Soviet weapons in War Thunder are correctly portrayed as inferior, cause that’s what they are.
If Soviet weapons were superior, then T-72B would be 12.0 firing a round better than DM53 with gen 3 thermals.

snail cant bullshit that much to get away with that besides Russia doesn’t have a round like that that’s usable in the older T series tanks because of limitations to the auto loader

Russia has always focused on large numbers of good enough tanks and aircraft because they know they cant compete on a technological edge with the US (Russia also tends to overstate numbers where as nato tends to understate them)

so well the flighttime for 20km we are taliking 60s+, by the time the aircraft flys over the target and the lock is broken there still is 20s left to impact

That’s the point. Soviet equipment is inferior, that’s why newer equipment is higher BRs.
The more INFERIOR the equipment, the lower its BR for the newness of the vehicle.
War Thunder portrays Soviet vehicles as weaker, which is a fact that could only be refuted if they had a lot of older equipment higher in BR to newer NATO equipment.

On top of that, a Swiss mathematician gave us the penetration system for 3BM series rounds, not Russian.
NATO gave us T-series composite protection numbers [specially through declassified Soviet documents], not Russian.
NATO gave us Kontakt 1 & 5, and Relikt numbers, not Russian.

Well yeah, you’re not supposed to fly over targets in ground RB.

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Yea, this sadly just is already DOA for brit mains, literally 0 point in adding a weapons system like that when all it does is defeat the whole point of its existence… claiming there’s no counter ( Pantsir 1 wants to know your location as you spend ages having to manually guide that thing in ), mean while you got the KH-38MT weapons system already in the game which can fire outside the ranges of nearly ALL SPAAs btw, but sure lets just completely gut the only good thing about the Tornado GR.4, but hear me out, let’s do something interesting yea?, how about making it so that its lock on acts like that of a spike missile?, or the PARS ATGM?, not only will that at least allow for a FaF method to exist for it, it will at least NOT be OP according to gaijin even when KH-38MT is known to hit targets behind smoke anyway…

So how does that sound?, it still gets FaF but it is simply a lesser method of its true version, that way its not DOA and actually holds some weight and has actual reason to be used.


Yeah in the dev server the brimstones are mid. They are like agm-64 without fire and forget

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yep i know, it self destructs the missile no matter if its tracking the laser perfectly or not

Why do they do that?

If it wasn’t for the one vehicle rule in the last BR changes I would’ve put Tornado GR1 in my post, however F-104S ASA was more important.

I don’t mind being “dismissed” cause I know that my defense of NATO equipment from incorrect attacking posts is the correct thing to do.

My statement of fact, later proven by screenshot here, that Su-34’s airframe will be effectively a slower Tornado IDS for some reason upset people that would otherwise claim they’re NATO fans like thousands of others, myself included. Yeah no, you won’t see me trying to claim something is more powerful than it is, let alone a Russian vehicle.

11.5 degrees per second sustained turn rate. But you know… criticizing Russian vehicles isn’t allowed on the English speaking forum.


More OP CAS is coming without SPAA counters. Tornado GR4, F-15E/I, and Su-34.
Yet people will yell at me despite me wanting SPAA counters.

The reasoning given in this thread is so disingenuous it’s unreal.

So we can’t have a real Brimstone because it would be too OP, despite the KH-38 breaking all 3 reasons provided. We can’t have a nerfed version of the F&F because it would be ficticious, despite the fact that only having one mode on the missile already makes it ficticious. I also don’t know why Brimstones or 114Ls haven’t been added to the AH-64 either.

Idk the whole thing just seems like another spit in the face for Britain players. It just seems like Gaijin hates Britain, I don’t even know why the nation is in the game at this point when historical accuracy and realism don’t seem to matter, all that matters is that the nations Gaijin cares about are allowed to overperform.


Radar guided F&F AGM is impossible to defeat for multiple tech trees, which includes Japan and Italy.
This is well known among many people.

Tornado GR4 is going to still be an OP unkillable CAS irrelevant of it not having a high teamkill rate weapon.

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Just do a nerfed version…

Inhistorical CM in F-5C on Americans? Granted!
Canadian cousin can mount CM so why not?

M61 APCBC with explosive fillar for Crommy, Churchill VII? Rejected!
Brit never used that kind of ammunition cause of

Void paper F-16AJ on Japan? Granted!
Japan needs new 4th gen!

Su-34 with 8 R-77 or 6 Kh38 on soviet? Approved! it is historical!

Historical FnF Brimstone for Brit? REJECTED!
It is too OP and annoying!

Gaijin really loves rejects things for britains. :/

I understand gaijins current pov about Brimstone.
Still somewhat disapointing while sees Su-34 fully loaded with ATGM.


On the Topic of the Tornado GR4 I did notice something very interesting. The Brimstone module is independent of the Targeting Pod tree of upgrades. But the Targeting pod is MANDATORY to use them… This at least tells me the SAL change was rather recent and originally they did intend to add them to some extent in their untouched state.


Maybe they did actually test it in alpha and it nuked lobbies? Who knows

I mean I still go with the stance of
“let us test it ourselves, if its deemed too much by the community then just dont add the weapon”

Instead of making the decision for us. There was plenty of options, they just took the one that strained player/dev relations the most.

I beg we get a 41 squadron skin, got to be one of the best squadrons for camouflages

I suspect its more that they are essentially a C&P of a hellfire at the moment and as helis have built in targeting pods, it was something just not thought about. I guess it will change before it makes it to live