Tornado GR.4: Tenacious Tonka

On the M1 kvt topic.

The argument is irrelevant now because you have top tier prems and now the m1 kvt breaks the cardinal rule for warthunder about fake tanks.

It in the pattern it is, as an M1 abrams tank, never existed in real life in any aspect.

It was infact the heavier armed, and armoured M1A1 abrams.
Which is a totally different and better platform.

So why not put the panther 2 back in game? Or the tiger 2 105, both are fabricated just as the M1 KVT is fabricated tank.

Yet one of the three is ingame. I get the argument for no top tier prems but now, gaijin has made that argument redundant.

So what? Kvt should not, by gaijins standards be in game


In a tornado, the things useless at top tier ground.

Tornado is such a balls platform against most top tier spaa tbh.

Like u said id rather the gr7 and gripen.

This is all why im currently on a break from the game.

M1 KVT is a premium M1 105 with a cosmetic visuals package applied. We have no current plans to return Panther II, KT 105mm or Flak 341.

Okay short of repeating myself, can you read the entirety of what i said and repeat it?.

The m1 kvt is not a real tank, it never existed, the platform in completely falsified.

But in light of this being about the tornado, ill save the hassle and drop it.

Not worth either of our time to discuss the kvt its here and done with now.


Seeing how the Kh-38 is no longer being limited with the Su-34 like it was with the Su-25SM3, and the fact that you’ll be able just ripple off its entire playoff while the Tornado is being launched DoA is wack.


I was just 10 kilometers away from the target, the aircraft altitude was 2 kilometers, the speed was Mach 1, and the sulfur stone was fired. The altitude angle of this thing was so great that it hit the target almost vertically. I think there are some problems. The energy of the missile does not require such a high throw. And the countdown to the missile hit is also seriously inaccurate.

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So… back to the 12.3 BR of the Tornado Gr4 (in Air). I know vehicle vs vehicle comparisons are never done and vehicles are only ever placed due to player stats. However lets compare the Tornado Gr4 to other aircraft that it will encounter at its current BR.


Tornado GR4 [12.3]
2x Aim-9M + HMD
Good RWR
Good CM count
Poor overall handling though supersonic
No radar

Tornado F3 [12.0]
4x Aim-9L
4x Skyflash
Good RWR
Good CM count (will be higher than the GR4 if it gets Phimat)
Same overall handling as the GR4 but better engines
Best radar in the game

Mig-21BISON [12.3]
2x R-73 + HMD (R-73 with HMD is far superior to Aim-9M with HMD)
2x R-27R
Average CM count
Good handling and speed
good radar

Mirage F1C-200 [12.0/11.7 (RB/SB}]
2x Magic II
2x R530
Good CM count
Good Handling and excellent speed
Good Radar

Mirage 2000C-S5 [12.3]
2x Magic II
2x R530
Average CM count
Excellent Handling
Good Radar

F-4S [12.0]
0-4x Aim-9H
4-6 Aim-7F
Excellent Handling
Excellent top speed
Good radar
Equal A2G payload to the Tornado Gr4 (usually claims all the bases before the GR1 even gets close)

You also have vehicles like the Jaguar IS at 11.3 with 2x Magic II. So supersonic + IRCCM barely should impact the BR to begin with.

I just dont see the justification for the GR4 to be at 12.3. Even at 12.0, you will rarely reach a base to drop bombs onto it, there is no justificaiton for 12.3


Left the f4s off there at 12.0 as well itll smoke a 12.3 tornado easily, choice of 6 or 4 great radar missiles, IR missilss, good gun, hmd, agile eagle.

Yeah, I was purely looking at A2A rather than A2G relevance in ARB. But yeah, The F-4s smoke the Tornado Gr4 in that capacity as well. Gunna do a dev server thread on this as well, going into more detail. So will make sure to put the F4s on there as well


I dont understand why the devs would go through the effort of adding brimstone with no f&f onto an aircraft with 3 x f&f 2000lb bombs, like what purpose do they serve at all unless theyre 20km+ range

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The mig23ml smokes it mate at 11.7.

Yep, and thats 11.3 in Sim (along with the mig-23MLD). Has a lower BR than the Tornado Gr1 these days

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I honestly just want the devs to test in the dev server a placeholder f&f mode for brimstone from etheir spike are maverick just to see how it goes. Like we didn’t honestly expect brimstone to come with its irl f&f mode but we were hoping for a placeholders f&f mode just for now until the game gets to a point where it could receive it irl f&f mode !!


Tbh i dont see why the ML sits at 11.7, what can a mirage 3E or an F8E reliably do to an ml, sure its fm got hit a bit but it still has a good weapon set and in a downtier is untouchable if used right.

And i cant fathom why the f5C went down to 10.7 it still absolutely cleaned house at 11.0.

Could reliably out energy almost everything if kept at 850kmph and turning.

Suppose balancing off player stats will bring the gr4 down in the ARB role

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Sea Harrier FRS1 is the same ASB rating as the Mig-23MLD.

After that… Nothing makes sense to me

Problem is. Anyone who is stubborn enough to unlock it, is pretty good. A british player in a Tornado Gr4 could probably out fly a US premium player in the F-4S

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So adjust the SP so that it requires more skill than standard munitions but less than a nuke. Purely looking at game balance, you cannot simultaneously argue

  1. that increasing the SP will not balance an OP killstreak like brimstones; and
  2. that increasing the SP makes nukes balanced.

Also, regarding the potential for TKs, why not just turn off friendly fire? Friendly fire is already turned off for friendly ground units. Why have it set up in the game where a friendly bomb can kill you but not a friendly APFSDS?

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No patriot? zzzzzzz UPDATE

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kinda screwed the pooch on this one balance wise if you considered LOAL mode to be over powered then that’s fair but to remove half the point of the weapon in the MMW radar homing and leave it as a SAL missile when we have fire and forget air to ground weapons in game like the KH38MT or the mavericks with ranges of 20km plus it kinda seems a little hypocritical a better option would have been to leave the option for SAL or MMW radar homing and simply add radar blocking effects to smoke

also the aim9M was never used by the GR4

everyone would be happy the UK gets to use the full capability of the missile UK mains have been after for ages and it still has a way to defend yourself against it


I guess he can’t answer that