Tornado GR.4: Tenacious Tonka

For the reasons explained within the blog, it will not have F&F modes.

They effectively propose the same threat. Gunjob is a good fellow and all, but on this I disagree with their assessment. Brimstone can be toned down to bring it in line with the balance shown by other ordnance, and would be Britain’s only half effective strike option.

We could have F&F brimstone with a toned down seeker for now, and we would be okay with that. We could have smoke impact it too, even though it shouldn’t and the ordnace for other nations really doesn’t give a shit about smoke. We could even force it to be manually queued.

This is of course taking your claims about kh 38 (which are wrong) on face value. You’ve gimped things before, like Magic 2. Magic 2 is still gimped. MICA also.


A rifle is much better than a pistol,and the 1000bls is significantly better than both,so the 1000bls is not recommended,but it means the gap between the rifle and pistol can be ignored?You never give a direct answer sir.

the dev blog explained why no mmW mode. But if you’re already going to be ahistorical, just make them IR guided at this point to retain its identity.

Or just dont add the plane at all-


Then the development team can make appropriate trade-offs, such as using an IR-guided head to achieve similar capabilities to the KH38, rather than cutting this feature outright. We strongly request to discuss this with the development team directly instead of wasting time here. God knows whether the development team will see these comments or if they don’t care at all.


Except this is evidently wrong when you play top tier… I agree brimstones on a feature level (full feature) would be superior to KH38s but that is not my issue.

You argue balance for brimstones but are somehow ok having Kh38s with a launch range far exceeding SAMs engagement ranges, and some SAMs have deadzones that depending on the launch height/distance of the Su25, these are LITERALLY invisible to the SAM (even on thermals) meaning the ability to counter them through direct hits becomes impossible.

This also doesnt cover the fact while smoke is a valid count these dont give off any warning to LWS systems because its TV guided meaning for a lot of tanks who are simply fighting tanks DO NOT see them and die with no counterplay

If you think this is somehow “not comparable” to brimstones when the issue is “balance” not features them im lost for words


Or just model the seeker with limitations until they introduce other threats to compete with it. They did it to magic 2s, which they still haven’t unfucked.

A direct answer was given in detail. I understand you disagree with it, but that does not mean it was not given.

Developer comment: We’d like to mention that Brimstone will only have semi-active laser homing (SAL) mode in the game. The fire and forget mode and the active radar homing seeker will not be available for a few reasons. The primary reason is that this seeker utilizes the “lock-on after launch (LOAL)” mode, this mode allows the weapon to be fired in the general area of a target without needing any actual precision from the operator, who can remain at long range in complete safety.

We feel weapons that can be used outside of the direct line of sight of the target without needing any preliminary reconnaissance or direct user targeting are not currently workable for the game. Weapons such as Brimstone, AGM-114L cause a particular problem and similarly to other ATGMs that have lock after launch modes like the Spike and AJ.168 will not have such abilities in the game.

These weapon types present several issues all at once, they require no challenge to use effectively and have no counterplay options for those being attacked. The attacker can operate outside of the range of any anti-air system in the game, Brimstone is also immune to smoke, so this won’t help either.

ARH modes for air-to-ground weapons won’t be workable until natural and artificial interference to these guidance systems can be implemented, as there are no electronic reconnaissance and electronic warfare systems in the game. Adding these weapons now would allow them to operate perfectly without any counter, which we don’t want to do. Additionally, at closer combat ranges ATGMs with ARH cannot distinguish between allied and enemy targets, and this would lead to a large amount of accidental teamkills as well.

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So why add it if it’s coming half-baked? It comes across as just a checked box. “Here’s a DOA airframe. It doesn’t have what makes it lethal but it’s something”.

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yeah make it TV-guided but you have to use the laser pod and make it fire and forget it’s already unhistorical so make it TV then.

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It’s coming with an entirely historical mode the missile has that fits the games framework without any balance concerns.

You cannot simply justify brimstones being half cooked in features (I agree with) but then ignore the most broke AGM currently in the game, you dont get to have both worlds here, if you nerf brimstones then you nerf KH38s or remove both


the direct answer was given, the direct answer just falls apart at almost every level.

they can nerf the mmW seekers strengths to bring it in line, they could introduce limitations to the weapon that still retain its identity. Instead they just made a blatantly incorrect ahistorical weapon (funny how we ahistorically nerf weapons but wont ahistorically try to keep them true to form in some other way), and the main defining trait of the platform.

I fully agree the LOAL aspect is way too strong, but that can just be removed like it already is for several other weapons in the game by the way while modeling other aspects of it.


Except there are balance concerns. Just not the ones you give a shit about.

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Then this would not be Brimstone but a fictional missile.

Various options were considered and this is a historical and balanced mode the missile has.

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it’s already a fictional missile in its in game state…


I almost fell off my chair when I saw that. All his talk about the Kh-38 and Maverick is purely a product of his imagination. This is no longer just trolling, in my opinion.




A-10 incident but Brimstone.

I had to check Brimstone data and yeah… laser and ARH only.
It’s sad, and I oppose not adding ARH for accuracy sake… but if allies don’t get IFF then Brimstone can’t be allowed to have ARH on that alone, and the other issue still remains that not all countries operate smoke capable of defeating radars.

So KH-38 and AGM-65 being OP missiles is my imagination? Okay buddy; guess everyone dying to them are all just me as well.

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SAL is a historical mode the missile has and we already have weapons in game locked to a single operation mode.

Which by extension make them ahistorical. Fun that, ain’t it?