It wasnt though. The Anwser was
Tornado GR1, ASSTA1 and A200A have higher effeciency than the WTD61 and MFG (and now A200) therefore they get a higher BR.
They were given 0 explanation of how or what about them gives them higher effeciency
At the moment, most aircraft that primarily bomb bases in Air Battles are as effective, if not more, than fighters of the same Battle Rating, although they often have much weaker weapons and air combat capabilities than fighters.
We’re aware that many of you think that the Battle Rating of bomb carriers in Air Realistic Battles is too high, comparing them with fighters solely in terms of air combat capabilities.
However, on the economy side of things, the Battle Rating of bomb carriers — which are discussed in many topics — are optimal or even underestimated. This means that their weak capabilities for air combat doesn’t prevent them from receiving on average a good or even great reward. As noted above, the average reward is one of the main factors in determining the Battle Rating of a vehicle. Therefore in order for us to be able to reduce the Battle Rating of these aircraft while maintaining healthy economic progression, the rewards for damaging and destroying bases would need to be reduced so that the average reward (the effectiveness) of bombers and fighters is equalized.
So no explanation on how the 3x at 11.3 gain less reward than the 3x at 11.7. They have 100% identical potential to kill bases, in fact with the 3x at 11.3 being a lower BR, i’d actually guess they have the greater effeciency as they likely make it to 1 or more bases every game. Those at 11.7 if nothing else, encounter aircraft like the F-4S that steal bases all the time.
We fully realise that a change like this will not receive any support from players who are asking for a reduction in Battle Ratings at the current average reward values.
Therefore in the summer, we’re planning to give more clarification and bring this issue up for discussion — whether or not we should reduce the rewards for bases in order to reduce the Battle Rating of aircraft that mainly bomb bases, or leave everything as it is now. Please follow the news for more details on this.
This was never done. We never got this post
Based on what we’ve written above, as of now we are going to leave the strike variants of the Tornado at their current Battle Ratings in Air Realistic Battles. The Battle Rating of the Tornado IDS ASSTA1 (Germany), Tornado GR.1 (Britain), and Tornado IDS (1995) (Italy) will not be lowered, and the Battle Rating of the Tornado IDS MFG (Germany) and Tornado IDS WTD61 (Germany) will not be increased to that of the other Tornadoes mentioned above.
Those 6 Tornado IDS are 100% identical (except the GR1 which has weaker engines) Therefore they have 100% identical performance. Also never did give more calirification on this issue, it was forgotten