Tornado F3 Late Still Too High

That is precisely its curse, but like the F3, overhauling BOL would help a lot of its issues. But yeah, to truly fix it, Harriers need a ground up overhaul.

That being said… I almost think it would be fine at 12.7. Given its overall low performance, I dont think the AIm-120s fred from the FA2 would be too bad, and not much worse than an F-14A firing Aim-54As.

I almost think it should be tried for 2 weeks and if its too good, put it back up to 13.0. GIven how few probably play it anyway, I doubt it would be anywhere near as spammed as the F-14s were

It is easier to defeat a 120 than an SARHM missile try it you will die more to an R-27ER than you will an Aim120. 120s are great but within 10-15km the R-27ER is just as deadly and are much harder to chaff than a 120

This sounds more like a compression issue than anything else. Naturally the F3 Late will be very weak vs the 13.7s and 14.0s, it should be, its a lower BR, but the capability gap is pretty massive when compared to the Typhoon. So again, not really any surprise. But the F3 is one of the strongest 12.0s these days and so the Addition of AIm-9Ms and Aim-120s do warrant its BR increase and current placement. The issue I have always had with the F3/F3 Late is the CMs. By the time you get into a notch, the chaff doesnt do anything.

Fix that, and it should fix the issues. Of course you’ll struggle vs a Typhoon or Rafale or F-15. But at least you would be on a more level playing field.

In the future, we may see Aim-120C5s added to the F3 to keep it going in the uptiers and is part of the reason why I suspect they went with the “late” pre-fix instead of “AOP” but that would naturally require a higher BR than it is now and only time will tell

Yeah I thought I was grinding for the F3 Late, but the 12.0 F3 was honestly fantastic to play.

It would be excellent if you never faced the 13.7 or 14.0s but will naturally struggle when it does. Why im rather mad its stuck at 13.3 (which essentially means 14.0) in SB at the moment

Correction. It is easier to defeat a fox3 than a R-27ER. Not an Aim-7F.

But normally you can use your fox3s to make the R-27ER launcher fully defensive

Well, R-27ER is the one who is way beyond the league, so it is true if we consider the 27ER

but If I can choose only one of AIM-120B, AIM-7M, or Skyflash SuperTEMP as a radar missile.
I think I will just go with 120B.

I agree, though there is the argument that slapping the living hell out of Mig-23MLs in SB in the F3 with Skyflash SuperTEMPS in a 12.0 bracket is way more fun at the moment that getting the living hell slapped out of you by Typhoons and Rafales in a 14.0 bracket with the Aim-120s

The F3s biggest weakness of fairly poor CMs can be mitigated by the lower BR, but cannot be avoided in anyway in the uptier.

What i’d love is an F3 OP Granby. Aim-9Ms + Skyflash SuperTEMPs + Phimat pods for about 12.3/12.7


Considering it’s the same BR as the F-14A IRIAF with a better BVR and WVR missile kit, RWR, and countermeasures, it’s under-BR’d.

[From the in-progress brakes to mach 1.5 document. In order: 1.5, 10,000 meters, 1000kph.]

When I got Tornado F.3 Late in the dev server for the first time
all I faced was pure disappointment.

F.3 on 13.3 vs F-15C on 13.7
Two AIM-9L missiles as stock is nothing good than slapping AI attackers (even AIM-120 from allied F-15C does better for that)

As long as F-15C flies way better than Tornado does, I can’t take their back with dogfighting for the perfect AIM-9L angle, and they will simply flare them out.
(If an enemy F-15C player is dumb enough to get killed by AIM-9L, they always get killed by Allied AIM-120 before I have any kind of chance)
I spaded it on dev, it was fookin terrible. on live server? I gave up playing it after a few tries.
All I could do was

  • quit playing F.3 Late because being XP pinata was an annoying thing.
  • or admit that this junk with lovely shape is on shitehole, and pay for GE which needs to unlock the AIM-120 behind the paywall. (Well, Tornado F.3 Late even can’t bomb the base for skipping stock. isn’t it? :| )

Also, [No IRCCM IRM for the stock while counterparts have], or [F-4F ICE on 13.0 first] was also disappointing.
it almost felt like [Gaijin is fooling and fooking Bri’ish again, as always.]

Anyway, After Buff, For now, I think Tornado F.3 Late is in quite a mixed position I guess.
Of course, thanks to dumb compression things.

Bit too low for downtier matches (Because there are some 13.0 Jets which acts way worse than F.3 Late)
Still, a bit too high for uptier. (Flight characteristic difference against F-15E or EF2000 is still brutal)

At least, I can give a another try for now. :/
had only one level[+0.4] with F-15E was utter nonsense.

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Yeah, I avoided it for months. I did the FA2 the first week, that wasnt too bad, especially when it got SB brackets, but I never saw the point of the F3 Late. Even to this day. I dont play it due to its SB placement, but I did the stock grind for the Spade bonus to help with the GR4 grind

This makes me so mad. It is one of very very few aircraft that have non-IRCCM stock at that BR range and it feels so unncessary. Also having to unlock Skyflash STs that you will never use over the 2x Aim-120s stock also feels like a total slap in the face too.

Yeah. This is why im mad about the lack of a 13.3 brakcet or it dropping to 13.0 in SB. Would make an excellent aircraft for either, but in its current state… Not a chance.

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The missiles it has are too capable.

Well I just jumped in to try it and 5 matches all top tier…Tornado F.3 late is just eating poop from F-15E and Typhoon spam.

You cannot defend, cannot fight back and you are so slow compared to what you need to fight.
It cannot go lower but the top bracket should go higher

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Having the Tornado F3 Late is like having a gun in a knife fight except you’re blindfolded and most of the time you’re in a gunfight anyway. The weapons package argument in irrelevant.

This happens in many planes and it is annoying . I would understand if there was a variable BR depending on armament loadout , but currently there is no reason for that kind of set up in mods. Even adding the RP for the Skyflash ST (your ex.) to the AIM-120 research , but let us progress faster , by you ex.CM BOL → AIM-9M-> AIM-120B.
And the armament in general , doesn’t have to overextend . For me it should be t1 - 2 mods for t2 . CM BOL disconnected with missiles, t1 mod. AIM-9M t1 mod. AIM-120B t2 mod.
That example goes for all planes… any tier/rank.
I’d prefer a variable BR method though , to see the plane in different armament set ups and play them, but if they are not to bring something like this, i don’t see the point for overbloating in armament types.

No one mentioned guns or dogfight.

Well, in Sim it’s de facto 14.0, which I consider a tad too high…

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If only I could slew the radar of my aircraft without it being slaved to the horizon…
That’s the primary reason I don’t play simulator at the top end, and I feel like that would be a QOL thing that would help bridge gaps in airframe performance.

Being able to look up without needing to nose up or the radar be slaved to the horizon instead of your aircraft direction would make life so much easier.

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You can…disable the constant radar elevation setting in air battle settings

That slaves it to the horizon, which I don’t want.
I want to be able to control pitch while it still changing direction with the nose of the aircraft.