Tornado F3 Late Still Too High

Let’s look at some other 13.0s. German top tier F4 has identical loadout with significantly better flight model. Top tier kfir lacks missile quantity but still has vastly superior flight model. I would even choose the F-15A over the tornado because it carries near identical loadout with a significantly better flight model. As it stands the Tornado is painfully underwhelming in terms of acceleration and agility to be considered 13.0. 12.7 seems more fair.



The Kfir has no IRCCM, no IR missiles whatsoever if you want to have 4 ARH. The ICE and F-15A are both undertiered. Why would you want AMRAAMs at 12.7, fighting 11.7!?! Why should the Tornado be a lower BR than an AV-8B? Hell, why should it be the same BR? It needs to go up, not down!

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It’s one of the better 13.0 planes.

How is it worse than the Viggen DI, Harriers, or the Mig-29G?

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The Tornado F.3 is probably the best 13.0 plane ingame currently, its got incredible weapons for 13.0 and a good radar. it also has almost infinite countermeasures. Sure its a brick, but thats the tradeoff.

What needs to happen is that certain 13.7 and 14.0 planes need to go up in BR


I never knew F-15A Also can access AIM-120B in this game. :/

as a 200% joke, the devil inside me wants Tornado F.3 AOP to get even lower for harassing matchmaker just like F-14A Early on the release did.
but no.

This is from someone who plays the Tornado F3 Late and knows the pain at times

13.0 is as low as it can go. If anything it is too low, but its BR needs to match that of the F4F-ICE and if that is at 13.0, then so should the F3 Late. Though very annoying it never moved in SB like the ICE did.

That having been said… The F3 Late is in need of a few buffs. The first is a total overhaul of BOL. It is currently 1/4 the strength it should be and this fact leaves it with very very weak CMs that are almost unusable. The second is the addition of Phimat pods to the F3s. These can already be found on the Jaguars and add 216 large calibre chaff. One can be taken on each wing in place of an Aim-9 or the fuel tank. ( I beleive the devs have confirmed Phimat pods are planned for more aircraft and probably does include the F3s)

Fixing these CM issues and it would become a decently competitive 13.3 aircraft, even within the current compression.

The one aircraft at 13.0 that is likely in most need of a BR drop is the Sea Harrier FA2, After a few matches in that, you wont ever complain about the F3 Late again.


Can’t be the same BR with any of the damn 13.0 jets thanks to the ridiculously outdated Harrier 1 airframe
(completely underrated unhistorical way but Gaijin don’t give a damn about it)
Even AV-8B+ can act way, way better than SHar FA.2

but at the same time, it can’t be any lower than the current 13.0 thanks to AIM-120. sadly.


Without raising BR ceiling nothing can be done about it without ruining lower BR matchmaking

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I’m glad to have finally met someone that actually played it. Please understand I have played maybe 50 matches with the 13.0 tornado, and I’ve had full down tiers in the single digits. Trust me, trust me, trust me, I would rather have an agile fighter rather than a truck that can barely fire off aim120s where it’s looking.

Also, I said near identical, as in…near identical. To clarify, that means near identical. A loadout that is identical…nearly.

Spec difference between AIM-120A/B and AIM-7F/M is way wider than the rest of ‘near identicalness’

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That is precisely its curse, but like the F3, overhauling BOL would help a lot of its issues. But yeah, to truly fix it, Harriers need a ground up overhaul.

That being said… I almost think it would be fine at 12.7. Given its overall low performance, I dont think the AIm-120s fred from the FA2 would be too bad, and not much worse than an F-14A firing Aim-54As.

I almost think it should be tried for 2 weeks and if its too good, put it back up to 13.0. GIven how few probably play it anyway, I doubt it would be anywhere near as spammed as the F-14s were

It is easier to defeat a 120 than an SARHM missile try it you will die more to an R-27ER than you will an Aim120. 120s are great but within 10-15km the R-27ER is just as deadly and are much harder to chaff than a 120

This sounds more like a compression issue than anything else. Naturally the F3 Late will be very weak vs the 13.7s and 14.0s, it should be, its a lower BR, but the capability gap is pretty massive when compared to the Typhoon. So again, not really any surprise. But the F3 is one of the strongest 12.0s these days and so the Addition of AIm-9Ms and Aim-120s do warrant its BR increase and current placement. The issue I have always had with the F3/F3 Late is the CMs. By the time you get into a notch, the chaff doesnt do anything.

Fix that, and it should fix the issues. Of course you’ll struggle vs a Typhoon or Rafale or F-15. But at least you would be on a more level playing field.

In the future, we may see Aim-120C5s added to the F3 to keep it going in the uptiers and is part of the reason why I suspect they went with the “late” pre-fix instead of “AOP” but that would naturally require a higher BR than it is now and only time will tell

Yeah I thought I was grinding for the F3 Late, but the 12.0 F3 was honestly fantastic to play.

It would be excellent if you never faced the 13.7 or 14.0s but will naturally struggle when it does. Why im rather mad its stuck at 13.3 (which essentially means 14.0) in SB at the moment

Correction. It is easier to defeat a fox3 than a R-27ER. Not an Aim-7F.

But normally you can use your fox3s to make the R-27ER launcher fully defensive

Well, R-27ER is the one who is way beyond the league, so it is true if we consider the 27ER

but If I can choose only one of AIM-120B, AIM-7M, or Skyflash SuperTEMP as a radar missile.
I think I will just go with 120B.

I agree, though there is the argument that slapping the living hell out of Mig-23MLs in SB in the F3 with Skyflash SuperTEMPS in a 12.0 bracket is way more fun at the moment that getting the living hell slapped out of you by Typhoons and Rafales in a 14.0 bracket with the Aim-120s

The F3s biggest weakness of fairly poor CMs can be mitigated by the lower BR, but cannot be avoided in anyway in the uptier.

What i’d love is an F3 OP Granby. Aim-9Ms + Skyflash SuperTEMPs + Phimat pods for about 12.3/12.7


Considering it’s the same BR as the F-14A IRIAF with a better BVR and WVR missile kit, RWR, and countermeasures, it’s under-BR’d.

[From the in-progress brakes to mach 1.5 document. In order: 1.5, 10,000 meters, 1000kph.]