Tornado F.3 Late BR

Id guess, if/when we see ECM it would essentially have two effects in-game

  1. limit the range in which radars (including those of ARH missiles) can lock on

  2. make aircraft harder to “spot” on TWS

I strongly doubt ECM would be modeled in any kind of depth/detail but even some slight mitigation of radars would be nice. Id be most interested in how something like the Sky Shadow ECM pods on the Tornado IDS would affect powerful SAM systems like the Pantsir (though it would of course have no affect on the IRST)

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Played the Tornado F.3 Late a lot
It’s not good enough to keep facing 13.7 games. You don’t have the airframe to dodge anything.
Your BOL pods do nothing, chaff is so gimped right now.
Your top speed is irrelevant anything can chase you down.

But the most damning assessment is the AIM-120B jets just dodge them so easily even on low energy they just keep missing. The only time they don’t seem to miss is when you are both flying at each other and you trade.

I was expecting this missile to be deadly from 14-10km and it really isn’t. I was hoping to be able to joust with Russian or US jets but you cant the F-15 MSIP may as well have an air spawn!

Having tried to dogfight an Av8B+ (Yeah) got my ass kicked that thing can actually turn.
The Tornado and the KWS would not be overpowered at 13.0

Cant wait to not see F-15s as the US and Russia get everything in the air first.
They could model the unique TRD the Tornado had but they wont.
This thing is dead at 13.7 (sorry 13.3)

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Yeah, I still need to spade it.

But I think buff first, BR adjust second

It’s British it’s not going to get buffed and we have the Gripen so we dont need it…

Unfortunately, that will likely be the case

It’s a rather easy case. F-4F is 13.0 therefore Tornado F.3 ‘‘Late’’ should also be 13.0.

In no mode is it 13.0…


Its HPRF and LPRF, and the in game designation for HPRF is PD HDN, which doesn’t actually mean anything other than HPRF. The AI24 has one of the lowest notch sectors in the game, it fully functions in all aspect despite being HPRF. I strongly suggest looking past the designations and actually use the radar.

AI24 can comfortably hold a track in any aspect be it look up or down, forward or rear aspect.