Tornado F.3 Late BR

Yeah… I think C5s are the only realistic upgrade we can hope for in the near future.

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This seems to be the best easy quick fix

Other than reworking engine heat.

For chaff, i don’t know a fix for the Gripen, except what you mentioned

I dont think the Chaff on the Gripen ever was or even is a problem and I cant think of any good excuse as to why the Gripen should continue to have that nerf. The flares I kinda understand, at least a bit (if nothing else they arent strictly speaking “flares” and BOL really need to be modeled properly, but chaff is chaff0 But the Chaff I dont. Especially as its relatively limited in the BVR role due to its limited AAM loadout.


İt wasn’t yes

But in Fox-3 meta, if BOL becomes equal to largish caliber chaff, with the tiny RCS Gripen has, it will very quickly become a problem I think

Not that Fox-3 is very hard to dodge, but gripen with the amazing turn rate will literally become immune, make 2-3 seconds, infinite periodic chaffing

At most its equal to standard calibre chaff or 18% smaller than standard calibre chaff. Depending on whether you include the wieght of the casing into the overall mass of the actual chaff (BOL has a plastic casing, the soviet chaff packet that is the standard for WT uses metal casing)

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I think F3 late could easily be the testbed for the Aim-120C, with how rare and lackluster it is

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How would ECM work?

Can you permanently leave it on?

Is gaijin capable of modelling it?

Arent they all mostly classified? Even more strictly than most TECH?

If you can permanently leave it on, wouldn’t it make all radar missiles basically useless?

The radar may be PD HDN, but it is still a very good radar. For example it’s notch sector is smaller than just about every all aspect PD radar currently in game.


I didn’t know this.

Gaijin really ought to share these information when in XRAY

The game is becoming more and more technical every day

These things didnt matter on the MIG-21 radar, but they do at top tier

I shouldnt have to look at datamines for this

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Just RIP its ACM :(

Or how about we just throw ahistorical changes to the trash, make it all BOL Pods equal and actually fix engine heat signatures and R-73/Magic-2’s IRCCM?

I dont like double standart treatments, for any vehicle.

If BOL is gonna get fixed then all aircrafts that has ability to equip should recieve the same treatment.

Yeah that would work too. Though considering BOL is designed to defeat Gen 5 IRs. Its possible IRL modeled BOL would still defeat them with ease

Well, this is the solution i would support the most.

I am all for historical changes.

But, this would require reworking engine heat (gaijin and reworking stuff… maybe grandsons will see this)

9M could be given the leading ability with this

And, R-73M would need to be added. R-73 1st batch only had 0.75 FoV from what i have heard/gathered

R-73 with RDM-2 seeker was made in late 80s

It is basically R-73 with a better seeker and a little bit more booster/range from what i have gathered

I may be wrong, i cannot read Russian. This is what i know

Thats the whole point developing counter systems.

Just imagine everyone gets their 5th gen Ir missiles including British planes, but somehow ASRAAM becomes worse than Aim-9L due to ahistorical changes?

Does it sound good? Personally i cant imagine having that shitshow while im flying with my RAF EFT.

Well, you never know, its all classified and its an arms race. If you know this now, missile designers knew this years ago probably

Then as community we should push Gaijin’s hands, they are the ones who’s making all those laziness while we’re the one who suffers.

As for the R-73M, it could be nice addition that could boost Su-27’s close range capabilites considering how trash its low speed handling is.

I believe best thing is the historical additions and changes rather than ashitorical nerfs as you said.

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I will always choose historically accurate modeling over “balance” any day of the week and if it wasnt for the Gripen then Id not see any issues at all when it comes to BOL modeling…

But… from a gameplay point of view for a PvP game. Then I get some of the concerns. Whislt Id personally have no issue with 640 fully modeled BOL on the Gr7 or Gripen. I get why people complained enough to have them nerfed into oblivion. Especialyl as the soviets dont have an equal.

But 1 solution could be to remove 2x BOL from the Gripen, leave them with 60 internal and 320 BOL instead of 640 BOL. Still more balanced but a bit more fair.

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Or, give the Gripen “downgraded” BOL pods until engines etc are reworked

No, that drains battery and gaijin could model early versions (until stealth and 4.5+ gen fighters) as not being able to use missiles/radar. Or just be like heat signatures and you have to be closer to the aircraft for a lock.

Yes and no, almost no aircraft in game have their exact stats, ECM would be no different and would just have to go off of brochures and other sources.

ECCM, most modern missiles have it, it takes a very powerful ECM to jam things like the meteor or the AIM-120C-7.

I guess gaijin could make ECM another balancing factor, which they decide on the stats %90 and the %10 is from available public data, as a rough guideline

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