I wrote 2 topics and they all were rejected
What am i doing wrong?
First one was bringing back the decorations from past events
second for vihor m91 project
i did select the right tag from them btw
You did nothing wrong, keep on coming up with ideas and submit, Iβve submitted quite a few and so far only 3 have been accepted
You can PM a suggestion moderator and ask what was wrong
how do i find him
If you go to users, then in the top right hand corner type in Suggestion mods you can find a list of them.
Or I can ping them here with this @Suggestion Mod.
oh alright, tho i dont wanna annoy them or anger them or sum
i think vihor m91 is a good idea
Suggestion Section is pre-moderated and have strict rules.
Please be sure to obey the rules and post your ideas how itβs suggested in Suggestion Section instruction.
If you have any questions related to your suggestion, please send a PM to Suggestion Moderator as someone above mentioned :)
You will not annoy them :)