Hi, just a question out of curiosity. Why do you guys play top tier ground rb? When i started playing it was my goal was to get to the top tier, i have two nations in top tier but now i really think that people who play top tier ground are freaks or cas players… I really like tanks but now i starting to play other nations and dont go above 10.0 br cause how to play top tier GB when you are only tank player… Call it skill issue or whatever but how can something be ground battle when tanks are on battle ground 5minutes you can decimate enemy team and then they spawn planes and in two minutes boooom tank decimated team gets 12 plane kills and spawn camp you with cas… Its like a roulete if you get team with most of cas players or not… The more cas wins, no cas looses 9 of 10 scenarios… Mention on AA, they spawn 30seconds later they die from jet or heli kilometers away… Will you think this will ever change or the only solution is to dont play top tier GB? Its sounds like a crying but take it from prespective of only tank player…