Top Tier Teams

Why is it the 2 best/ Bias Nations Germany and Russia ALWAYS on the same team? Is it a coincidence that half the Devs are german? And the other half Russian? Crazy to think about lol I love BiasThunder


American mains flood the matchmaker with their sheer numbers, be glad it isn’t USA vs The World anymore


I get almost the opposite to you. Most my matches in top Tier when playing Germany its against RU and US which often leads to 2-3 mins before you’re spawn camped and CAS’d to death.

It’s heavily influenced by the number of players of each nation in the queue, the obvious indication is during events where more players swarm specific nations that give that vehicle, example the object 292, during that time more players who unlocked the vehicle will play RU to spade it, you will be finding most matchmaking putting 100% RU in one team or both team, this phenomena only happens during a time where one nation has too many players, and what we see here is USA being a popular nation with a lot of players. Due to gaijing goals to reduce matchmaking time, their matchmaking code makes a lot of things mathematically impossible.

It’s even simpler, people create Russian+German or Russian+Sweden squads. Not really hard to see that, since player made squadron are highlighted


But when I pointed it out on old forum when system was changed from “historical pairs” like US+UK vs Ger+Jap into this mess of mix matchmaking. I got warning by pointing out that people can now abuse the system to stack one team with all the “best nations”.

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And now you get one team steamrolling or all vs all matches

I would agree but the amount of people playing russia all the time it doesnt make sense Germany is never with the US

I get that…but when i try to play with a friend playing Germany it doesn’t happen lol

Because other players are doing it too, so the game will make : all vs all or give this squadrons a longer queue. All vs all means more queue for all, so the games makes only you to wait

Top tier gameplay speed + awful map design = easy spawn camping regardless of what nation you play.


And this is why ODL is the way to go. Maybe giving a second shot is a possibility, but be sure that as soon as I realize I’m being spawncamped (or about being spawncamped), I stop spawning.