Top tier tanks is not fun

top tier has gotten to a point were gaijin needs to do something. something I’ve noticed is that when i get those underpopulated matches (4-8 players per team) i have drastically more fun and dot want to kill the gaijin ceo. so i recommend gaijin changes the team sizes to around 5-10.


fyi i know i know this is kinda incoherent sorry

I stopped playing Top-Tier Call of Duty Tank addition years ago. From what I can tell, nothing has changed for the better.

The maps are too CQC making them more luck based (did you look right instead of left) instead of skill based. The close range also essentially negates armor as players can easily hit the otherwise hard to target weak spots on every vehicle.

CAS is OK IMO as combined arms is interesting… but there are some OP CAS options for their BR that make it really frustrating to play against (like getting 9L’d in the face by a tornado in my 9.3 BKL…)

The only option is to play lower tier, but then you have the insufferable compression of the match maker… which for some reason cant be fixed because we need attention deficit disorder 5 second queue times.

Why do you have so few players in a team at top tier?

I stayed at rank IV and V for a long time with the French tech tree, today i decided to grind the Leclerc with the AMX-30B2 (half équiped), my new AMX-30 Super and the AMX 32 (stock).

Fighting at this tier is a plague: I have a hard time to deal damages and most of the time, it’s a one-shot for me against tank i couldn’t even see.

It’s far less enjoyable than ranks III to V and i wonder how Gaijin can make the ranks VI to VIII enjoyable.
I don’t have any rank VII but i guess that the situation will not improve.