Top tier Israeli Jets still missing SPICE series bombs and Popeye

Let me get this straight.

We can have this.

We can also have this…

But we cannot have these???


Where is the Israeli domestic arsenal of weaponry? Why is this being neglected so hard.
It’s been a few updates already since we started having this talk and the further away we got from the addition of Israel to the game it just slowly faded away into nothingness. Dont give me more copy paste vehicles, give me an actual, worth of my time, tech tree. So much to ask for?

its time we see SPICE and Popeye represented on Israeli Jets


Smin said that Ra’am’s CAS is still being investigated. AGM130 for Strike Eagle and Aardvark has been found in the files, SPICE and Popeye shouldn’t be far

That one, however, is US only.
Until they’re mega confirmed it’s as good as not planned at all.


Popeye would be sigma and with turkish f4e but i dear it would only go on yop tier planes that cant be used for cas