This, SU 27, 34, 33, they are all just big fox 3 magnets.
And EF and Rafale are so useless is ground games against ground targets… ( sarcasm lvl 100)
Those things got a lot better flight performance, lot biggers CAS loadout and lot better fox 3’s , and still people cry on SU 34…
This just makes me wonder how much of a cry it wold be having RAFALE or EF equilavent cas plane on ussr :D
Thats why I stopped playing toptier for 3 months now or even more 1. CAS 2. TEAMS just suck
Imagine saying that 800mm heat pen (mav, brimstone) is better than ir guided 1000lb bomb (kh38) which doesnt kill by heat spall but rather by pure HE which most AGMs rely on but hey 800mm pen that does literally nothing is better. Right? RIGHT?
Yeah and that comes from a guy that havent played brimstone or mav. U can say that i dont play kh38. Well… I die to them A LOT compared to any other missiles. 70-85% is by kh38 alone. But dude that hardly plays toptier knows better 🤠
I might understand the latter ones, but Su-25SM3 is a subsonic brick with little to no self-defense capabilities and will even carry less KHs. Putting them in the same basket doesn’t really make it justice.
This just makes me wonder how much of a cry it wold be having RAFALE or EF equilavent cas plane on ussr :D
Su-30sm comming. With 5 kh38 + insane target pod, few r77-1, insane radar and thrust vectors.
And EF nerfed to 12g, so would be less agille to S1.
Its self-defense capability is being able to out-range every SAM system currently ingame xD (except for Pantsir, which it doesn’t face because it’s on the same nation).
All good until you realize non-RU planes are also allowed to spawn in.
that apply to Harrier Gr7 and Tornado GR4 too yet both of them not get special treatments like Russian
Harrier is 0.7 BR below SM3 with same amount of FnFs while being much better for A2A.
Gr4 is 0.3 BR below as well.
Saying SM3 has no downsides is funny though.
both still face the threat no different as SM3 while have worse A2G
even G4 have LOAL brimstone it still worse than SU-34 in everyway
so, does Harrier GR7
They can face much lesser opponents due to their BR and PGMs + Brimstones are definitely on par with 4x KHs.
Not to mention they can defend themselves better.
Harrier is at 12.0, not 12.7.
No im just talking about guided bombs f-16cs we’re dropping from space on spaa and flying off to evade aams which are easy to evade the pansir due to bad g over load, then come back and bomb more.
Smokeless bombs too
When the F16C came Mavs were super good, but they got nerfed a few days later and then after few months they got buffed but they’re still trash compared to KH38.
They were definitely buffed around that time, though I don’t recall exactly when. Before then they had trouble causing OP damage and would basically just act as an ATGM and rely on the raw penetration to get kills.
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When they add new stuff, sometimes things get unbalanced for a bit, but like any other live game more stuff will come. Its is annoying that the longest agm missile in the game is also on the side of the best aa in the game.
Played a bit of the US the other day to try out the cas stuff on the f-15e. As soon as i was able to spawn the f-15 in 3 Pantsirs get spawned in… So i drop all glide bombs and fire off my Mavericks. 90% of my glide bombs were intercepted and all 3 Mav’s were taken down as well. Top tier ground maps are getting too small to bring in CAS, and the SPAA side of things is very unbalanced.
If you are so unhappy playing, stop playing top tier, or the game all together. Post like this only bring out the ( us mains this us mains that, minor nations this minor nations that ).there will never be perfect balance as they continue to add more and more to the game. Not happy with this update, give it a couple months until the next one.
They don’t tbh, not at the level of NATO. Su-25SM3 was the 1st decent CAS with good Smart weapons and Su-34 is just a Su-27 version of the former
Ppl that dont see the bias at this point are just blind
Or they actually play all nations and understand the concept of asymmetrical balance.
What balance?
There isnt a blanace at any form when a nation have the best spaa best cas amazing mbts and light tanks wth!