I think everyone will agree, that there really needs to be a limitation on how many air vehicles can be spawned in at a time in GRB, and GSB.
I am getting sick and tired of having a good tank game or a good tank engagement, and suddenly I get hit by a bomb, atgm, or the like.
Passive SPAA is something CAS players disagree with, and I semi disagree with it, but I shouldn’t feel as though I accidentally queued up for a 12.7 air match while playing a 12.0 tank.
Limiting the air spawns to 1 strike aircraft/ bomber, 1 fighter, and 2 helicopters would significantly reduce stress for many grb or gsb players.
Would you like CAS nerfed?
No >:(
Do you agree there should be a limited amount of CAS spawnable?
Luckly, they are adding new spaa this year for top tier. Hopefully early this year but it is gaijin.
I dont like this because it can lead to people taking jet and camping the corner of the map to deny teammates from spawning in a jet. And also peolle sitting in the respawn screen waiting for the allied jet to die so they can ise theirs.
What we need is the new top tier spaa and itemized loadout sp costs.
1 Jet will mean that you will have people teamkill to get said jet. If they turn TKing off, they will just tell the enemy where the jet is. This is a common issue in many other games which limit certain classes sadly. There will need to be a lot of work on it.
If you limit the number of planes so massively, especially at top tier, they might as well just be removed from the game mode. A major part of how some jets are workable in top tier is the ability to have 2 or 3 of them working in tandem to confuse/force enemy SPAA systems to pick a target while the others are a bit more in the clear, even when theres multiple SAM systems aiming for them.
If you limit the spawns to 1 or 2, this “shield” goes down and you suddenly have potentially 4 or 5 SAM players (last vehicle they can spawn) all hunting for a single target, making it extremely hard, arguably impossibly hard for that plane to approach and not die and if it does fire, many SAM systems now can intercept their weapons, making a successful attack fail by interception (then you got smoke, bugs, etc).
Leading off the above, when players get knocked out, we like to complain when they just quit to menu, you have 2 issues that will pop up on this, A) players wanting a plane will just go to menu, B) players with only a SPAA/SAM left will now start to leave for menu because theres no point spawning a SAM, especially a lower end SAM if allied with Russia like say, Stormer if your chances of ever shooting something are now next to zero.
edited in because came to thought, many countries have strike planes with the same or worse weapons then other nations fighter planes. How do you balance that issue? Are you actively hindering your team if you got uptiered and bring a lower BR jet without the most advanced weapons? How do you balance that?
Personally I think the issue is more so that not everyone has the same capabilities in terms of SAM systems and have not for a long time and gaijin powercrept ground attack based off a single Russian SAMs ability, ignoring everyone elses SAM systems being massively lacking. Gaijin say they are working on giving everyone long range SAM systems now so… hopefully that helps and isnt just point and click adventures. Like the UKs SAM systems are so lacking I spent a whole patch version flying the Sea Harrier FA.2 as a dedicated fighter in GRB knocking out enemy planes. Should me doing that limit my whole teams CAS ability because it doesnt carry ground attack unlike a ton of other fighters?
The other issue is reward, the reward for shooting down modern jets imo should go up. The problem when you have too many deer in a forest isnt that you need to napalm the forest to only allow 1 or 2 deer to be around, you up the bounty on hunting the deer.
well there is something in there what I have also tought as way to balance GRB.
If you dont have 12.7 jet in lineup, you shouldnt see 12.7 games at all.
That would be easy hotfix, but it’s more like a bandage on open wound, but better than let it just bleed out.
The issue isn’t with the CAS, it’s the lack of comparable long range SPAA systems to Russia, once more of these arrive then i guarantee you that CAS will be far less dominant that it currently is at top tier
Maybe let Air RB have respawns like Ground RB has, then remove the planes from GRB while still letting the helos play in GRB.
Set up a combined ARB and GRB mode where the map sizes are about half that of current ARB, which would give the tanks plenty of room to be spaced out and hide (there by making CAS actually coordinate with their ground forces) while allowing CAS an opportunity to avoid AA.
Doing this would make ARB more playable (single life fly forward, bomb base, die, return to garage) and make GRB more playable (with out having to constantly be spawn camped by decent CAS players especially at top tier where CAS spawn camping happens out of range of any return fire).