Top tier controversial suggestion

Hello sweats wont like this but hear me out i suggest massive mobility nerf to top tier mbts in form of acceleration currently top tier feels like call of duty and there is simply no point in playing light tank/tank destroyer past about 9.0 cuz u get mbt that has everything better than you at same br so why sacrifice armor for speed or gun when you can have whole package…

Also it would force players to play more carefuly instead of yolo to powerful position and if he dies then leaves the match…



all vehicles in Wt already have a massive traction nerf which is bad enough



We just need better maps to fit with faster tanks.

A Tank’s top speed is based upon IRL performance. Top Tier MBTs have good speed (well most of them) IRL and so fake nerfs like this are entirely against the everything war thunder is about. This is the kind of nerf they would do in World of Tanks not War Thunder.

The better suggestion would be larger maps or even a ground EC gamemode.


That sounds so smart! (Until you have to retreat from an engagement and your Leopard II was given the East Treatment)

Larger maps would make significantly more sense

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“All of them except for Challenger”

Fixed it for you.

That aside, why would you bother with this? Larger maps fix this issue, reduce the ability of cas to loiter and cover the entire map with minimal effort, and provide new places for AA to hide.


We should legit consider banning people off of the forums because of takes like this-


Not really for example abrams has about 5 sec faster turn rate compared to real life counterpart

Larger maps would just delay the game not fix it…

Yeah you should not peak every 2 sec like its wot… Tank move slowly irl im not saying east treatment but it should be nerfed

Larger maps would just delay the game not fix it…

Agree on chally

Larger maps would just delay the game not fix it…

Cas is topic for another day…

Traction and acceleration are different things you should be able to slimb a hill slowly but you should not be able to be faster that light tank

Accel is already nerfed atleast i know on some of the Leos

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saying everyone is a sweat because you can’t keep up w/ enemies driving fast is literally D1 loser behavior. You can also very much play light/td above 9.0. I bring the Type 16 up to 11.3/12.7 GRB all the time. It has better thermals, similar round to Type 90s with a Scout UAV, less armour but more crew, Lighter w/ better speed + acceleration and better zooms (4x - 13.3x) compared to the Type 90. I prefer sniping with it, as it has better survivability at long ranges. I also have some success w/ the Type 99, albeit lacking a laser rangefinder. This seems like a massive skill issue on your part. If people won’t play cautious with a MBT, what makes you think they’re going to play smart all of a sudden? They’d just W key, but slower, like lower tiers.

also have success playing fast and close range w/ Type 16, faster than pretty much every MBT.


sure buddy…

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Try combat conditions…

mock combat do not flag

One of the best solution for top tier is you make them a mirror match.

If you are talking about sweats, then mobility isn’t the issue, the modelling of FCS is, the ability to laser accurately snipe across 2km+ is the issue, the current RB fcs is not only poorly modelled (lacking features) but also arcadey (camera at barrel end, lacking sight-gun parralax and other irl issues).

Fixing both of these and encouraging a slower, more calculated playstyle at top tier, and disallows the common rushing (holding W) style of play that is so incentivised by the current GRB Meta

most maps have similar terrain to the video, do you want them to drive over debris or smth?

You missed the point i have no problem being top dog in high tier i was complaining about repetitive pace and how useless lights are in top tier
Wrong people would play more carefuly bcs they realise holding W is not as effective anymore and light tanks could have a good time ofc you can pick fastest vehicle in game and say you have easy time being faster than mbt but on average light tanks are suffering