Top tier controversial suggestion

Ah yes bud. Why have a Physics engine when you can make everything dogshit. Can’t handle it? Move down a few BRs.


You missed the point i have no problem being top dog in high tier i was complaining about repetitive pace and how useless lights are in top tier

Dunno about you, but this is within the range of “2 seconds.”

The tank took longer scanning and turning its turret than it took driving up/down the berm to get into cover/position.

Also if anything, traction needs buffing.

The Churchill tanks IRL were described as slow, but very capable climbers to the point they managed to ambush germans in africa from very unexpected positions.

In game? You won’t even climb the hill on Carpathia if you aren’t careful about inclination.

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Hello ladies and gentlemans this is MrBombastic8 and today we have a caught a noob in the wildernest of war thunder forums, this noobs has just been caught in the forums 1 day ago and already start throwing wild statement while being uneducated himself, he sure thinks every tank is slow and sluggish but that is just himself!
Its a sad situation but anyways that is it for today and we will see you tomorrow.


Lights aren’t useless, don’t play it like a MBT and you’re fine. The only issue is the LACK of 11.0+ Lights. eg Germany, USSR, GB, JPN, China, FRA. Very few nations have lights above 11.0, as many nations move towards MBTs rather than a fuckton of different vehicles. Nonetheless, you can still play 9.x and even 8.x lights and have success. Type 89 and Type 16 both perform fine at 11.7/12.7 JPN, BMPs, 2S38, etc. If it has ATGM or APDSFS, you can play smart and be fine.

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and replace it with cross map sniping and extra ease to CAS you out because its all more open.

If it is done badly.

Tunisia demonstrated that it is entirely possible to do it well and provide engagement paths for those who prefer long range, medium range, and point blank whilst providing new locations for SPAA to position for engaging aircraft. Longer range maps with appropriate cover would also make it difficult for cas to loiter the entire map.

Of course, they ruined Tunisia, so I’m not hopeful they’d implement this properly, but done properly it would resolve many issues.