Top tier C.A.S problems

In every update planes will get stronger powerful + more or new missiles + maw or approach systems, ecm. This will create ground battle even more
Sad because the AA systems currently in game cant reach them. Means more AA systems. Even if the AA gets added still outranges the AA because GNS+IOG+IR(LAZER) long range missiles
So we need something to balance it
Here is my examples
1-if one player on your team sees a plane then
automatically say something on radio chat like tank
commanders do (so no icon that shows planes only
2-gun baised AA(like gepard) share its radar targets to
the IR photo contrast spaa with no radar on command.
(If the target gets destroyed by spaa that got
the shared target from another radar gun spaa they
each get 70% or 80% of the reward)
3-add normal AA with mid to long range fox3 missile
with no radar and only irst or 16km acm mode + add
radar stations near battle field (destroyable) (players
can act as radar for fox3 carriers with idea number 2)
4-make planes take off from runway far from the battle field like 30km? and make two runway like heli does short one for subsonic strike planes

Idea 1-if people listen the radio operato says plane they
can get behind cover or spaa can start looking
Idea 2,3-one act as radar other act as missile carrier like
irl platforms (3-if near battle field radars destroyed the player unable to see radar screan on top of screen)