Top Teir USA is not that bad. (11/6/24) Making my own data chart will share by (11/12/24)

Guys! after about 300 games in the Sep V2 I can conclude something.

If you play the M1’s right, they can be good and maybe the “It’s a skill issue” thing is real
But in all seriousness, I have been finding the game to be a bit more fun the past few weeks after I came back from a break.

Although the M’1 in War Thunder top tier is renowned for how "Sh#t the armor is, it does have some upsides when I got my first top tier tank the M1A1 AIM I played it like a Leo and expected to be able to rush in and get kills while coming out not hurt at all. But once I got “real” top tier tanks I found out you can’t do that, with the M’1s you got to play more of a back role. I tend to be a mix of extremely aggressive while not putting myself on the front-line part of the battle.

I must say I think this is bs…

Although I do think I’ve been winning more games it has not been near 50% of them maybe, MAYBE low 40% the main reason I think this may be bs is that the amount of clickbait players on my team at top tier is still high. now this wouldn’t be an issue but every game where my team is 90% clickbait’s I’ve gotten abruptly curb stomped by Russia. Which leads me to think that this is also bs.

How is this even possible we all know Putin would not let this happen… anyways in the next few days I may see how many wins/losses I have a top tier. just to see if what I’m saying is coming out of my butt.

The last thing I want to talk about is the teams, USSR, Sweden, and Germany should never be on the same side if you see this in game which it seems to happen often to me at least USA will always lose as they have no tanks that can “tank” a hit like a Leo or t series can. Maybe China can but I don’t see many top tier China players maybe 1-3 a day (on my team) and if you do win the game idk what to say good job.

LAST THINGS: tf is this bs

THE T-90M HAS A CHANCE TO PEN THE CHEEKS OF A M1??? to be fair its very rare its only happened 2 times to me.
anyways love you, cuties stay safe. have fun with the update Hopefully tmmr.


That is what everyone has been complaining about.

When the v2 came out i said it is a downgrade because of the added weight. You can do better in the v1 or A2 in top teir then with the v2. If they would let you take off the TUSK kit. It would be much better.

Also the sound used to be an issue but i believe they have already fixed that.


I don’t mind the TUSK it’s saved my life like 3 times, so I keep it on. Although yes it would be better if I take it off, you never know.

Top Teir USA is not that bad

33% winrate 💀


Think that’s bad? My HSTVL is 25%.


Players having skill problems doesn’t make the vehicles bad.


The issues with the armor are mainly voiced by the players who main full lineups. As stated, you can’t play the higher tier M1s super aggressively like a T series or Leopard. If armor was to be improved, even only on the SEP v2, not only would it be given a reason to be played, it could allow for a more aggressive playstyle. Even I with a full lineup at top tier for the US refuse to rush into CQC unless absolutely necessary. The M1s are fantastic at getting to power positions early game due to their mobility, but if you don’t have the right nations on your team, you’ll almost certainly lose. If I see Sweden, Germany, and Russia all on the enemy team, I am already preparing for a total loss. It doesn’t help when 1/2 your team is one death premium players and braindead CAS players who don’t know how to play around Pantsirs.


Meanwhile Germany has one BR they actually don’t completely suck.

That is completely false under all circumstances.


That’s what it shows.

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I assume you’re talking about the winrate graph, which shows that Germany only has good winrates above 12.0 and below 3.0.

However, winrates aren’t what makes a nation good at different BRs.


That’s just the Tigers attracting the biggest lobotomised players possible.

The late Pz 4’s kinda blow because their gun advantage is null when the Sherman and T-34 pen the Pz 4 anyway and Germany then lacks a proper lineup after 3.7 with just TD’s and the VK until you get the first Panthers and Tigers. But how players struggle with the Panthers and Tigers I’ll never know.

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Similar to top tier Abrams attracted the biggest lobotomized USA players possible.

Germany and USA: we both suffer the same just at different br bro



Yet it’s what matters since being good means nothing in this game if you don’t win when you want to progress.

I fail to see how that explains BR 3 to 12.

I have also noticed a slight improvement on the performance of US at top tier. However, do you only play with tanks and adats as your anti cas ?

I can tell you as someone that has grinded the bvm and 90m completely, I don’t really rely on them that much. Nor do I rely on the pantsir, you need to have cas at top tier to be efficient. That is my advise but its only one way of looking at things.

It might have to do with the recent gift that is M829A2, also the M1A1 HC is 11.7, and the stock round is HEATFS and doesn’t even give the M829 lol

That might be the case. However, I had one really fun game in US top tier using the tiger shark as cas. I got 4 tanks and one su25 as frags.

Top tier US lineup is fine. It’s not the best. It’s far from the worst.

The problem is, most of the people playing top tier US are not playing all - if any of the actual toptier lineup, because they only have Clickbait and / or AIM in their lineup.

Everygame i play with US on my team, It’s 50,60,70,80%+ Clickbait or AIM’s that leave after one death. Buffing SEP, Buffing F-15E, Buffing ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’ does nothing to help because most US players don’t own or play these vehicles anyway.

Honestly, best thing that could help US is to sell more premiums. Sell a premium ADATS. Sell a premium light tank. If people are going to buy their way to the top, at least let them buy a complete lineup so half the team isn’t back in the hangar within two minutes.


They can continue to respawn, as many times as possible with backups, it will often only bring the enemies two steps closer to nuke lol