Too much meats on the grid?

Don’t pretend that all these events, battlepasses and whatnot are just purely optional and don’t offer vehicles that give an advantage.

Really exceptionally good event vehicles that do not have a TT equivalent are rare, and mostly from ages ago, like KV-220, VFW, Sd.Kfz.234/4 (IMO still the best/most overpowered event vehicle ever).

But what are recent event vehicles that “one must not miss”?

Of the so far 14 BP’s I did 4 because of the vehicles I liked (Strikemaster, A-1H, EBR 1963, PT-76-57 - this last admittedly because at the time it was so powerful).

Of the 38 seasonal/crafting/special events I took actively part to get 5 vehicles I was interested to have (KV-220, VFW, Tornado IDS MFG, T18E2, Lorraine 155).

All the rest I didn’t bother about, but I think I got some just by playing the game and fulfilling the tasks “by the way”.

The important aspect for me: If I had wanted two or more vehicles from the same event, it would not have been possible for me, but now with the vehicles distributed over more time, I could easily do them one after the other.

Or leave them out, as was the case in most of the cases…

Would be solved if they brought back event vehicles after a certain time period. This would help with two large issues.

1: Would allow for people to get the vehicles they missed. We have a large amount of exclusive vehicles, which is still growing.

2: Would help burnout by allowing for more breaks. If you already have the event vehicle, you dont have to worry about grinding or you can still do the grind to get one to sell.

With the new event set-up, they could have one of the events be a returning event vehicle.


I don’t have time to do everything in the game so I pick what I want to do.
I wanted the 292,so I grinded it. I don’t want the Jaguar because it’s not unique enough Imo, so I don’t. Perhaps you need to consider and accept not being able to grind EVERYTHING.

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If you think there are too many tasks, simply dont do them. If you are asking for their removal, the effect is exactly the same. BUT the players that want to do them still can do them.

BTW…in WT i dont do any task anymore…i just play for fun and i dont care what other players are doing…as an example, i get no battlepass rewards, but i am fine with other players being doing them…we all win.

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Yeah, if a ton of content is a Jaguar IS.

3 vehicles, 2 of which are part of the locked battle pass. 1 is commonly a T3, the other is the main prize. Neither usually have anything special.

You do not get any more warbonds or shop levels with or without paying for the battle pass

Maybe 9 at the max.

And almost 2000 that are.

I counted about 180… (not taking into account Premiums, only Event/Gift vehicles)

Its great to have a variety of things to do in the game. You dont have to do everything, lots of events ive ignored as i didnt want to bother with getting the vehicles. There is the market place to buy ones if you want them later. You dont need anything past the tech tree. The last one did burn me out a bit but im not that great at ground rb so it took me longer. Dont feel like you have to have everything that they offer, then it would feel like a job. I never really do the monthly history things as i dont care about all that. Unless the navy one is a Submarine i wont bother at all with that one.

Its only a grind and a job if you make it that way. You have complete control of how you play the game. Sometimes breaks are needed, especially if you are not having fun.

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Just one example: Centurion mk.2; upgrade from mk 1, gives 6.7 more a backbone, next Cent is 7.7.

Old vehicles: AEC II, a perfect scout vehicle never matched in TT then SA vehicles added to fill same spots. I prefer GB offerings than the SA wobble-heads and Concept 3 lacking useful scout features (it has speed and pen, but it is atrocious gun and vehicle handling, no smoke as RL did not have).

Strikemaster is also fitting a role not easily filled in the TT.

Just off top of my head/ones that caught my eye without thinking too hard.

So some exist, not all.

I get the rare and unusual vehicles, but some could be nice and trees like top BR Germany have loads non obtainable, sure not all essential but looks bad these exist but are locked behind a possible paywall.


Well, overall with the vast amount of vehicles in game as of now, “outstanding” vehicles are becoming more of a rarity, obviously.

When there were just a few countries, limited to late WW2, anything “special” was special.

Now, any addition (with a few exceptions and personal preferences of course) is “just another vehicle not all too unlike many other similar vehicles”…

My view on a few of them is this, however:

For some that are Event Premium and not too unusual the production of a TT variant could be considered. Just like the Tiger, Jumbo, Firefly, and Comet, we already have this in game.

So for the Premium Event vehicles which one could argue should be not really limited to have a tech tree example without the bonuses should not dissuade those from owning the Premium. Just like those mentioned above we already have this (Iron Duke Comet and Animal Tiger being Event).

People will still “want” the Event versions for their bonuses, and to run 2 of the same without backups (again, examples above).

Of course some are different versions but I’d say perform almost identical (Firefly being one of them due to Sherman chassis).

Thing is we also don’t know how good those vehicles are going to be ahead of time, I have the VFW, the 234/4, but also the 234/1 and 234/3, the Pz.Wg.P204 and the 251/22 and they’re all amazing vehicles, some less now that the German 20mm’s lost 25% of it’s pen for whatever reason and crippled the entire lower lineup.

But half of them are only good because of weird implementation, the VFW just eating shells all day long, same with the KV-220, I vividly remember in the early days shooting it from the side in a Panther and the giant fuel tank just absorbing the shot entirely as Russian tanks tended and still tend to do for some reason.

Ahead of time I didn’t know of them were going to be that good, or that Gaijin would never ever add tech tree equivalents to them to a point I am still using many of them to do this as a best option for their BR range, which means in the last 7 years we have gotten nothing to match a 234/4 or a VFW, hell we never even got a replacement for the Tiger ll 105 and Panther ll for the void they were meant to fill.

And now there still is borderline nothing for Germany after 6.7 until 7.7 or 8.0 and 6 .7 was already lacking, and the Ru251 which would have been an extremely good addition to the lineup got monetized instead and is now left to rot at 7.3 as well, at least it has the Wiesel and Kugelblitz for company.

A Tornado could have been good, but again weird implementation, A-1H is disgusting, the VMF was insane and the only plane in the game with access to bullpups for a while, that could be launched from the airfield as they had a camera in the bullpups, and to this day a better CAS option than most nations get, especially after the Nords being nerfed.

The Aubl/HVG was really good but it’s now not even a shadow of it’s former self as the M300 are balanced around a different vehicle and the Aubl is ignored entirely, shooting 60mm APFSDS with similar post pen to 30mm APDS from a BMP autocannon, only the HVG has a 7 second reload for some reason and doesn’t fire 300-400 RPM to compensate for poor post pen.

Who knows what the next meta vehicle is going to be, I would have hated to miss out on the 234/4 and I still think it’s absurd that unless you were playing the game years and years ago you never had a chance to get it and instead be stuck with a 234/2 which is nothing compared to the /4, unless you want to spend hundreds of dollars on them on the marketplace.

The new setup for events means if you don’t partake in the event you’ll never get the vehicle, because they’ll also never be available for $20 again and I’m not about to spend $100 or whatever on any random event vehicle which for some reason is what Gaijin wants, despite them making money regardless.

Yeah, if a ton of content is a Jaguar IS.

Amongst it.

3 vehicles, 2 of which are part of the locked battle pass. 1 is commonly a T3, the other is the main prize. Neither usually have anything special.

Ah right, they already reduced the amount of vehicles you get from the BP, same price for the BP though.

Beginning of the year there was Season 10, and one year later season 14 just ended.

  • BF 109 F-4
  • AMX-50
  • Pr.183
  • Centurion Mk.2
  • J26
  • S-701
  • SPz 12-3
  • B7A2
  • MC 485
  • Breda 90/53
  • Strikemaster
  • HMS Gay Archer

Looks like a dozen vehicles a year to me.

You do not get any more warbonds or shop levels with or without paying for the battle pass

You have to participate in it regardless.

Maybe 9 at the max.

Repair Factory

  • AMD 35
  • Shcherbakov
  • QN-506
  • A-7K

Summer Extreme

  • Pz.Sp.Wg.P204
  • HMS Renown
  • CT-CV 105HP
  • SU-25BM

Tokushu Heiki

  • Ki-48-ll
  • IJN Kurama
  • F-100F

Dreams Come True

  • TOG II

Winter Extreme

  • J9 Early
  • Mirage 2000C
  • USS Mississippi
  • Vilkas

That is 17 vehicles, almost double the 9 you claim, so 29 vehicles a year just from events and BPs alone you miss out on.

And almost 2000 that are.

Half of them copy paste Shermans, T-34s and such at this point, and you could have 10.000, matters little when they don’t match the power of the event and premium vehicles.

That is completely wrong. You can get an aweful lot of extra WB, if you pay for the pass. Thousands of them! Last pass got me 4 talismans, 1x rank3, 1x rank4 and 2x rank5. You won’t get that with the free part.

Clearing dungeons of goblins is voluntary.