Tokushu Heiki: Assemble and test an honorable missile to obtain prizes!

I have received 75,000 points and should have received 30 boxes, but I only received 16 boxes. Is this a bug? QwQ

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I think I will be spending the next couple of weeks at Rank II.


Received 75000 in battle, or total in achievement bar?


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Damn, you got punk’d i guess

emmm How to send image ,I have screenshots here.

I have the same problem. I have only received 15 boxes.
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@Favnirbane like this

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50 firsts in (checks watch) under 4 hours. Explain. A bunch of 5-minute air sim games, maybe? I’m honestly curious here.

People would like these events more if they didn’t seem so transparently rigged sometimes.

50 firsts


I also have the same issue. 18 crates of 30

@magazine2 is Gaijin aware of the issue?


Guys, this is a game forum, we should always be respectful to one another.

He’s not pretending to be a Gaijin employee, no one here is.
He’s trying to provoke people & start a flame war with innocent people.

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Something does seem to be wrong with the box count (note no number on the results screen):


We are aware of the issue, devs already working on fix.
No worries, you will not lost any crate. After fix will be applied, you will get missing crates!
Sorry for problems :(


why don’t you ever show how many elements need to be collected in the factory
(and it is allways a pretty lot but noone knows how far he is)

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Holy grindfest Batman! I decided to focus on this event just to see how bad it was and boy howdy. I’m at 25k points after 4 hours playing a combination of Air AB and Air RB (Rank III and IV with premiums). For an average, casual player like me there is absolutely zero hope of completing this event. You essentially have to be number one on your team every single game to have any chance of completing this. Good luck to those that have nothing else going on their life where they will be able to earn all the prizes.


I’ve already mentally checked out of this one. All that work for a F-100F… 🤣

This gonna be the rarest plane in the game, because nobody wants that trash for 100 hours of work.

I do appreciate the irony of a copy-paste plane for China. 😅


Worst event so far no doubt…
Either play all day or WORK / SLEEP / EAT.


We mentioned it in the article:

Or do you mean something else? Please let me know.

Why are you trying to dis-incentivise use of the marketplace? The only way to increase the amount of GJN in circulation is to buy it with real-world currency, and you take a 15% cut of every single transaction. First you remove the tradeable low tier vehicle crate from the warbond shop, then you make the battle pass vehicles untradeable unless you buy the battle pass and grind to an absurd level that the vast majority of players will never reach, and now you make the event virtually impossible for anyone who has responsibilities outside of their bedroom.

I already stayed away from crafting events because the time investment for any reasonable return is insane, but this is a new low. You’re shooting yourself in the foot because now the people who would’ve just bought their way through the event on the marketplace can’t.

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Can you tell us at least how many broken missiles we need to get through to get one working missile ?

grinded all day and it feels like it was worth nothing. Also “guessing” which parts are faulty without much information is just RNG at this point