Tokushu Heiki: Assemble and test an honorable missile to obtain prizes!

I don’t see any problem when the best customers can get bonus from something.
If I was playing WT 10 hours per day and the prizes would still be impossible to gain, I would be sad and mad.
I will focus on the first bomber because I know my time spent on the game will not be enough to get other prizes.
I may have many griefs on many things in that game but at least this kind of event is not a fraud.
All mecanics are explained and doesn’t give players expectations that they will never meet.

Here’s my tip sheet now that we have all the info:

Mode multipliers:
Air AB: x1
Air RB: x1.4
Air SB: x3
Ground AB: x0.93
Ground RB: x1.33
Ground SB: x1.8
Naval AB: x1.9
Naval RB: x2.2

Rank Multipliers:
I-III: x0.8
IV: x0.9
V: x1
VI: x1.1
VII-VIII: x1.2

Sellable on the market place:

-Factory Upgrade Toolkits (25 and 50 firsts collected)
-Development Progress Reports (x20 development progress data; you need 1 DPR for a bomber and 3 for a high tier)
-Five types of mat (Steel, Non ferrous, Wood, Electronic, Chemical) – which you can only sell after you have 2 DPR, so 2/3 of a high tier vehicle or two bombers done already, max 20 mats over what you buy. At this point I would honestly not worry about these much, they basically give you a little something for leftover parts at the end of a craft now, no more.

So you if you still want to make some GJN off this as a PC player, there’s four options here:

  1. Get 25 first places and sell the Toolkit as soon as possible. People will be really chasing these starting this weekend. Anyone with one on the market by start of Saturday should do quite well. But a lot of people will see this too and be driving for this, so competition for first on the cheesy modes should be quite intense.
  2. Sell the Development Progress Reports over and above any you plan to use for crafting yourself as soon as you get them. They’re going to be worth more than a completed Ki-48 post-event price early on. Once their price drops below ~7 GJN, switch to making 1-2 bombers for sale with the same materials instead, and/or go for the high tier if there’s still at least half the event left.
  3. Make two high tier and sell one or both (aka give up your life for the next 13 days for around 100 GJN). If you do this though, don’t count on buying any mats from the market, prices could be very high for individual mats now. You’ll likely have to do it all through play to see any profit.
  4. After you get your first 2 DPR (so basically, starting late Friday), immediately sell the 20 allowed mats while prices are high. This adds some risk if you’re going for two high tier, so this is probably not a good plan unless you’re also selling off your first DPR and settling for crafting one high tier vehicle and a bomber, or just one high tier, or 2 bomber coupons. (If you have a few leftovers after a full craft, you can sell up to 20 of those at event end for a little something.)
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1h of play gave me 10750 points in Naval AB rank V.
2-3 places in 4-5 games.
Not very rentable, must try another mode.

The “Tokushu Heiki” commemorative decal that you can obtain for successfully testing a combat-ready missile! Applied on the new LOSAT that is also obtainable during this event.


So from what i gathered on this event.
The plan is like this… work 16 hours of overtime in the next 13 days. And just buy the god damn thing… Because i sure as hell am not gonna bother trying to grind this.

I have received 75,000 points and should have received 30 boxes, but I only received 16 boxes. Is this a bug? QwQ

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I think I will be spending the next couple of weeks at Rank II.


Received 75000 in battle, or total in achievement bar?


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Damn, you got punk’d i guess

emmm How to send image ,I have screenshots here.

I have the same problem. I have only received 15 boxes.
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@Favnirbane like this

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50 firsts in (checks watch) under 4 hours. Explain. A bunch of 5-minute air sim games, maybe? I’m honestly curious here.

People would like these events more if they didn’t seem so transparently rigged sometimes.

50 firsts


I also have the same issue. 18 crates of 30

@magazine2 is Gaijin aware of the issue?


Guys, this is a game forum, we should always be respectful to one another.

He’s not pretending to be a Gaijin employee, no one here is.
He’s trying to provoke people & start a flame war with innocent people.

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Something does seem to be wrong with the box count (note no number on the results screen):


We are aware of the issue, devs already working on fix.
No worries, you will not lost any crate. After fix will be applied, you will get missing crates!
Sorry for problems :(


why don’t you ever show how many elements need to be collected in the factory
(and it is allways a pretty lot but noone knows how far he is)

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Holy grindfest Batman! I decided to focus on this event just to see how bad it was and boy howdy. I’m at 25k points after 4 hours playing a combination of Air AB and Air RB (Rank III and IV with premiums). For an average, casual player like me there is absolutely zero hope of completing this event. You essentially have to be number one on your team every single game to have any chance of completing this. Good luck to those that have nothing else going on their life where they will be able to earn all the prizes.