TOG II Removal

In a Nutshell, I began playing before the the short-lived appearance of the TOG II. I was wondering why it was removed, and frankly I could just google it, but I wanted to know want the player’s think. My guess is historical inaccuracy, but all theories are welcome.

Rando you’ll never see again :)

It is never removed…? The TOG II is an event vehicle for “Dreams Come True” 11th Anniversary in 2023.


It is not removed. Just like the Sturmtiger, you can only play it if you grinded for it. Unfortunately, you can’t buy it on the marketplace either. It’s like limited edition.

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I really hope they bring some of these back somehow. It’s lame that they’re limited. Honestly something cool could be that when they reach enough special limited time vehicles they can put them on a rotating monthly timer, so Sturmtiger one month, TOG II the next month, the next month has another limited vehicle like the Maus, etc. etc. Just something to allow the newer people to earn these vehicles that they otherwise would not be able to get at all.


They have brought back the Maus on the anniversary before.

I wish they would do something like that, since there are many vehicles I have missed because I wasn’t playing at the time, or I couldn’t grind them.


Yeah I know, I just wish they did it more often than once a year, I guess.

Learn the Lingo:
Removed->Commonly used by your bosses aka the WT DEV about the fact that they are hidden from everyone but those who own it. *(o_o)b

Also worth nothing:

Premium Vehicles from Events are usually Account Only (which I dissapprove of)

Event Vehicles are usually normal stock vehicles with a tradeable coupon.

Ofc there can be slight diversions like Premium Vehicles with a tradeable coupon.

it was never removed, it was the anniversary vehicle. its just at a less than favourable BR for British mains so doesn’t see a lot of use

It was an event vehicle. It’s not removed but like all event vehicles you had to be here to earn it.

That’s not the same to gaijin. Maus was removed from tech tree so it is brought back. Event vehicles don’t come back.

Indeed, bring back Event Premiums as Tech Tree vehicles.

People who grind the Events get the Premium bonus, people who missed out don’t get the bonus.

Examples already in game:

2 x Achilles
2 x Comets
2 x Fireflys (though yes a different hull; one could have been a higher BR APDS version but whatever)

Premiums are still “better”.
Essential vehicles are not lost forever: aka my pet peeve of the AEC II.

All I can say is MY idea is bloomin AWESOME.

(Only issue is the non-Premium event vehicles still lost outside of the Market Place).

its not removed. it was just apart of an event

Your only hope is that the TOG II will appear in an SL lootbox, like the Travel Suitcase. Yes, it’s a very slim chance to get the vehicle from the box but I doubt it will come back in any other way…

We atleast need an annual Rerun Event with guaranteed vehicle rewards of past Events.

Nope, releasing Event Premiums with Tech Tree equivalents is the best way as this is already the case.

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Too bad PAK Puma is not coming back.

It was too powerful for the game.

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Yep, another which should have a tech tree version. We get the Animal Tiger alongside the H in the tech tree, so it is very possible.

(Edit: and all the other sdk’s locked behind old events)

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You would be guessing wrong in this game.

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