Hi to everyone guys! As we all know developers have said, that in 2025 we will get all big boys (Top BB) and I think we can discuss something about it. I even think we can make some “predictions”, knowing that WT usually tries to use historical accurate models, characteristics and etc, so…
I made a little research about reload and some other characteristics of top guns of each country and here what I could find
- 460mm Type 94. Yamato’s guns
Actually historically reload here depended on angle (for example at 6km reload should be 30s, and with distance it will rise up to 40s). BUT in our game angle of gun doesn’t matter, so we can gladly and surely say it will get reload near 30 - 40s (depending on crew probably). I think it’s really REALLY good for this caliber, probably the biggest caliber in the game (except some paper projects)
BUT. There is a big problem with shells. Actually main AP shell Type 91 has 0.4-0.5s fuze delay. For comparison, current Japanese 410mm in the game has 0.05s fuze delay, and it’s considered as really good, it let shell fly till ammo, only then to blow up… Many guns have 0.03 or 0.025s fuze delay. And it seems 460mm shells will just penetrate through even battleships without explosion… Though maybe it doesn’t really matter, is shell’s weigh is 1.4tons
406mm Mark 7, Iowa’s guns
Actually everything is excellent with it, 2d heaviest after Yamato’s shells, and it’s written everywhere that reload is 30s… Well, really nice! -
380mm SC C/34, Bismarck’s guns
And here were go guys… Theoretically these guns could make 26s - 20s(!!) reload!! Now just imagine Scharnhorst with it’s armour with these 380mm, which actually make a bite… -
380mm Model 1936, Richelieu’s guns
I really prayed when I was opening it’s characteristics, cause actually this is the LAST hope for nice BB for France…
But… deep sigh
Historical reload was 45 seconds and more…
And good news - after WW2 modernization they could make it 32 seconds, yaayyy. Not that bad, but still I think it will be really difficult for Richelieu to compete with Bismarck with it’s reload, with Yamato, with Iowa… -
381mm Modele 1939, Littorio’s guns
This gun will penetrate a LOOT, it should be the most penetrating gun in the same caliber. Just for comparison - starting shell’s speed is 850m/s. Same British caliber with the same weight has just near 750m/s… Bismarck has 820m/s and Richelieu 830m/s
BUT. Guys, I tried to find another information, but I could find only that reload is nearly 45 seconds… If it will be true - it will be really painful to play it, even with good penetration. -
406mm B-27, Sovetskii Soyuz’s guns
Despite Russian top BB wasn’t built in reality, but the building was started, was even made for nearly 20% (it means it definitely WILL be in the game, as a Kronstadt, Francesco Caraciollo, Amagi and etc), but actually these guns were built and even used during WW2!
Main thing - guns had nearly 34 - 23s (!) reload! About shells - I couldn’t find a lot of information, just that starting speed was 830m/s up to 870m/s… And well, remembering Kronstadt I am afraid this will get 870m/s with 23s reload, which of course will be OP xD
And what about Britain - it seems it has already got it’s best and main guns… Except King George Class will have new 356mm guns, but actually speed of shell is nearly 750m/s, weight is near 720kg, so I don’t really think it can somehow compete with other top guns… And their 381mm we can already see in the game
So, as a conclusion.
- Yamato has the heaviest shell (1.4t), probably biggest penetration, medium reload, but big problems with fuze delay of AP shell (idk how developers will work with it)
- Iowa has 2d heaviest shell (1.2t), medium reload, nice AP shells (except I couldn’t find information about SAP, and AP has 19kg of TNT - not the top here)
- Sovetskii Soyuz has 3d heaviest shell (1.1t), possibly REALLY OP reload in 23 second, really nice shells with high speed and extremely crazy TNT for SAP… Almost 90kg of TNT…
- Bismarck has the lightest 380mm shell (0.8t). I think it will get worst penetration from all 380mm guns due to shell’s lightest weight (maybe except British one, cause they are waay more slow), but THE BEST reload on top in 26-20s. And just don’t forget about it’s armour)
- Richelieu has good 380mm shell (0.88t). Should be more penetration, than Bismarck has, just cause shell is heavier and faster, but reload is way worse - 45 - 32s (last at it best after WW2 modernization)
- Littorio has probably the most penetrating 380mm shell (0.88t), thanks to best shell speed, BUT… 43s reload. Let’s hope it will be changed due to balance…
- British… Vanguard has 381mm represented in the game and King George has probably even worse guns, so… I am not sure we can wait something super special here…
So, that’s all! That was my little analysis, made just for fun. So according to my predictions - Yamato, Iowa and Sovetskii Soyuz will be the hardest hitting ones. But last one will just do it faster, also it has crazy SAP. And Yamato has problems with AP fuze delay, maybe it won’t be that great as another two.
Bismarck will be just like Scharnhorst now - not great penetration, not the best TNT, but who cares, if you shoot 3 times per minute and your armour lets you live under attack of all enemy team?
And Richelieu, Littorio, British ones… I think nothing really outstanding here in terms of top guns, but Littorio has the best penetration from 380mm, but the worst reload from everyone also…
And well, I am an amateur, so don’t scold me a lot, and if you have something to tell or to discuss about future Titans of seas - let’s discuss!