Tired of Getting Rammed Through By an AIM-120 or an R-77

If anyone wants to rant about getting up tiered to this BS of a BR called 13.0 then please rant here cause I’ve been losing my mind getting half way across the map to just get locked by 5 cucks in the sky just sitting up there all GAME. Call me out for being trash if you want like I know im trash but ill still rant about this horrendous BR.


Sounds unusual, not having nearlynthat much trouble with then myself. Still just taking IRCCM IR missiles like usual.


Lol yeah its def just my skill cause I just got a nice 4 kill game doing regular maneuvers against the new missiles

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What are you doing in 13.0 with less than 1000 total battles in your name?


When u type a reply look at the little text box next to the reply box that says “Does your reply impove the conversation?” then comment again


My reply ends this pointless conversation. You are complaining as to why you’re performing bad in that BR range, I simply pointed out why that is happening.

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The pointless part of this conversation is you making unnecessary comments when I have already responded to someone else on the matter of skill. yet again refer to the little text boxt next to the reply box that says “Does your reply improve the conversation?” then comment again lil bro

Yeah I got tired from toptier as well because welp, you have 16 planes firing ARH missiles at you from different locations, and getting close to the ground doesn’t help that much. But anyway I might try to play again and try to get better, even if I get mad for not being able to achieve a single kill… Or that’s what I’d like to believe.

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Yeah I feel u man goodluck man I believe in you

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i just stopped playing top tier air and started grinding Japan, top tier experience is shittier than before since update.