With the introduction of another very powerful CAS aircraft in the form of the SU-30 and the F-18C being no slouch either. Can we please get historically accurate Brimstone 2s for the Typhoon. (and no small upgrade for the Tornado Gr4 either)
These upgraded version of the Brimstone can for now retain SAL only guidance until a better method of quantity mitigation can be introduced (my prefered method is SP costs increasing significantly past 6 Brimstones).
What does Brimstone 2 give?
They increase the range by 200% giving them an effective range comprable to that of the KH-38 and AASM and additionally increases their “off-boresight” capabilities, which greatly enhances the QoL of the pilot as they no longer need to point directly at the target before firing.
The Typhoon is woefully lacking comprable AGMs to that of other nations in that it doesnt have access to any FnF ordranance, which greatly impacts its ability to engage multiple targets or engage in stand-off attacks against SPAA. It is especially notable for the Typhoon due to the fact it never used the Brimstone 1s that Gaijin currently has installed on the Typhoon and instead only ever equipped Brimstone 2s. So this change is more than just balance, its a notable historical discrepency.
In the future, I want to see FnF Brimstones finally added, especially for gamemodes outside of GRB where at the moment, in their current implementation they hold 0 value and might as well not have been added.
That would be a nerf/buff, so I say retain the Brimstone 1s and add the 2s.
Hear me out
So the Brimstone 1s are very good at the pop up, fire a few and pop down to lase them in later. The Brimstone 2s would be too fast for that and remove that option as a playstyle, which is pretty popular. So keeping both options makes everyone happy.
Tornado Gr4 they certainly could. But for the Typhoon it does become an issue of historical accuracy. As far as I am aware. Typhoon never equipped the 1s.
Overall id consider it a buff. Yes if you fired at close range like you do now, you would have even less time to do that pop up tactic, though instead i would say you should just use them like guided rocket pods for those ranges. But instead, you could just fire them from 30km away and then still pop up like you did before. Should be an overall net buff
Overall net buff yes, but Gaijin also has the policy of not making significant changes once aircraft have been around for a while. The Brim 1s definitely apply there.
Agreed, If we can see a lineup with 2 separate KH-38 slingers at cheap SP costs then it’s only fair that the Eurofighter (maybe GR4 too) have access to either FnF or better maneuverability and range, this should come in tow with a buff to laser lock range since that 20km limit still seems to be the bane of NATO CAS rn
Yeah, we will. I agree, if Gaijin is happy, then no reason why It couldnt keep both, but in either case, it definetly should have Brimstone 2s at this point
The Bars unironically looks like the best radar in game despite numerous tests and exercises proving Captor to be superior, while being M-scan.
They get DOUBLE the missile count, double the effective CAS weaponry and a similar UFO FM, not to go off on a whine about the EFT but to anyone calling it OP, then they should just compare raw capability to the Su-30SM or Rafale…
Given how Gaijin is completely losing touch with moderation and allowing a top dog to get the best possible FnF ground missiles without any considerable compromise, i don’t see why they’re still gatekeeping Britain’s Brimstones, moreso given how fragile its ground top tier is.
And i’ll double the gamble, i don’t see why they’re gatekeeping any ground ordnance at all. Numbers should be the balancing factor —based on the existence of Kh-38MTs—, not the ordnance type.