Time for things to change

I support the meaning of your message, but the vulgarity isn’t necessary.

Lmao what? M551(76), Swedish 6.7 BMP, 2S38 and all of the other undertiered lights don’t exist anymore?

M24 is 0.7 BRs below where it should be.
2S38 is 0.3.
M551 is literally a stabilized M41 Walker Bulldog, it’s fine at 7.0.
And the Swedish 6.7 BMP is among the worst platforms with a good gun; See FIAT 106.

I see @Zodicab is at it insulting all non-Russians and War Thunder critics again.

@Zodicab Ah yes, you’re claiming that all War Thunder critics are shills.
Okay buddy.
Keep defending Russian equipment and insulting all critics.

After all, why would you attack one of the people that critique War Thunder the most…
Why would you attack the M24 so much…

4.0 would be fine, 4.3 is too high when the T-34-57 is 4.7. The first Amx-13 should be 3.7, or .3 below the M24.

Yeah, it’s undertiered, but its mobility isn’t that good.

T-34 isn’t a light tank.
AMX-13 is fine at the BR it is, I should know having used it myself.
Just as the PUMA was chronically under-BR’d for years, M24 is as well.

Yes, but I am comparing it because they would face eachother often. The capabilities are wildly different. The Amx-13 is acceptable where it is, but it wouldn’t hurt if it was moved down. The Puma also could go up a bit, but it is fine where it is now.

Another thing you (and everyone else) needs to take into consideration is the fact that we are generally better than the average 3.7-4.7 player, which could skew our perspective and what we value in a tank.

4 years ago everyone, all players of War Thunder, understood that light tanks were under-BR’d.
Most knew hints of why that was, others less so.
One of the reasons is lack of scouting rewards, and general not knowing of/utilizing the survival onion.

However, from 2022 to present there’s been a massive uptick in players utilizing the survival onion on light tanks, which lead to many getting their BRs corrected. From HSTVL to both Pumas, BT-7F, PT-76-57, the EBRs, and so forth.
One of the last holdouts remains the M24, a stabilized Sherman gun-ammo combo on a rather fast chassis.
I want it 4.3 for two reasons: 1- It belongs there due to its light tank capabilities compared to other light tanks around its BR. 2- It can finally be rank 3 universally.

I know what you mean about the stabilizer being good but the shermans have it too. Better to just say it is a faster/smaller sherman with less armor.

It’s a fast Sherman without armor. 3.7 is fine.

It’s only downside is gun depression and armor. It should move up.

A full stab is a huge improvement.

Both are extremely undertiered. Their mobility is insane and the firepower is too.

Why is this posted in the general section?

It is a topic exclusively about GRB. We have a “Realistic Battles” section, use it.

Of the 4 most popular gamemodes: Air AB, Air RB, Ground AB and Ground RB.

Ground RB is by far the LEAST(!) popular. Nit the most popular, the least popular.

Both air AB and air RB being played more than 2 times as often. And Ground AB is being played over 3 times as often.

Why do you think your issues are general issues? They are not.

It’s not hard. Just post here:

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