Tiger Ost and West should go up in BR

Both pack tigers have additional front armor, 20mm track mid, and 30 mm track far left and right. Tiger ost have additional 10mm of side armor (the wood. 100mm of wood is as good as 10mm armor), which prevents M3 75mm cannon and F-34 76mm from penetrating the side armor. The tiger west have very useful camouflage. Both pack tigers removed the S mine launcher, which is good for their angle of depression.
From my point of view, Both pack tigers should be moved to 6.0.
After a second thought on the results of my test, I decided that the following paragraph is inappropriate. Tigris might go to 6.3, but I would spare the pack tigers.
I’d want them 6.3, as we already have M4A3E2(76W) with garbage gun and IS-2 1943 with that half-a-decade long reloading time and limited armor at BR 6.3. However, we all know a lot about the average skill of German WW2 GRB players, and we know even more about some money thirty creatures. So, 6.0 should be the only option.
We can compare both pack tigers with Tiger E. The greatest advantage of pack tigers is that they only have one weak point, the command tower. Their front armor (even at the slightest angle) prevents penetration of Russian 85mm cannon or American 76mm cannon. On the other hand, player in a Tiger E have to think twice before charging brainlessly at a T-34-85 or an M4A3E8, due to much weaker front armor. Tiger E’s better command tower only make a real difference in the face of M4A3E2, now that M3 75mm cannon can’t penetrate Tiger’s front armor anyway. In addition, Tiger ost have better side armor, which can be quite useful in downtier. And Tiger west has very good camouflage, making it very difficult to aim for weak spots or spot Tiger west in forest. In general, I’d say that both Tiger ost and Tiger west are better than Tiger E.
Still, I would not expect such BR change to happen, now that the community don’t really seem to care about p2w.

A few tests in custom battle about the effectiveness of the additional front armor.
The tests used M1 76mm tank gun with M62 round and 85mm D-5T tank gun with BR-365 round&BR-365K round. These two guns are used by the following tanks around this BR: M4A1(76w), M4A2(76w), M4A3E8, M4A3E2 (76w), T20, M6A1, T1E1, M18, KV-85, Su-85M, T-34-85(D-5T), T-34-85 (ZIS-S-53), IS-1, T-44. It is very obvious that these two cannons are very widely used.
And another thing. I really don’t understand why people consider capula as Tiger H1’s greatest weak spot, when people could simply penetrate front armor and hit the ammo rack.

A reminder to those who support this BR change. The tracks should be 0.5x when calculated.


The problem is that would mean the tigris needs to move up aswell. It has the add on armor + the 50 extra hp on the engine (like the tiger e) and no capula weakspot (which has a hugh impact).

They could change the west (different capula + 50 hp more)and move it up to 6.0 which would be more historical anyway but it would still be better than the tech tree tiger e which is problematic and p2w. I think the ost would be alright at 6.0 due to the 10mm armor on the side


I’d say that it is actually quite reasonable to place tigris at 6.3. The problem is that it’s a premium vehicle in a Tech tree people don’t care about, and we know what is not going to happen…

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yeah moving the ost and west to 6.0 and the tigris to 6.3 would be the best option to avoid p2w

I can’t agree more.

These vehicles are fine where they are, aren’t these packs meant to add to lineups anyway?


So does Tigris yet its the same BR as the Tiger E it is based on

They are worse than Tiger E

Tiger 1 is easily killable frontally in a full downtier, jumbo 76 often isn’t; IS-2 can lolpen pretty much anything at its BR and even higher BR heavy tanks

15mm of armor on SOME parts of the UFP is not that big of a deal. How are you not able to pen this?


Still pennable by the 75mm, and the 60mm lower side is still exposed.

It’s a 57 ton tank, shaped like a box.




calm down lil bro. it’s a joke.


In case you haven’t noticed, in real combat there are always angles. I’ll take KV-1E as an example so you might understand. Your argument goes the same for KV-1E, which seems to be penetrable by KWK40. However, it is actually one of the most broken vehicles at 4.0, often could withstand more than 10 KWK40 shots (this is based on my own KV-1E experience).

First, this goes for tech tree Tiger, not the pack tigers.
Second, Tiger 1 is more dangerous to its opponents even in full uptier, while Jumbo 76 don’t stand a chance against IS-3, or even Panther II / T-44-100. And IS-2 1943 is easily killable frontally in a full downtier too. Its reload compensates for the advantage of high power. If it’s an IS-3 we are talking about, I would not complain, because IS-3 is armored enough to stay alive till next round loaded. If it’s a T34/T29, I would not complain, because the reloading isn’t that long, and their armor is good enough. But it’s IS-2 1943 we are talking about now. Its Hull armor is weak and angle does not help much due to the shape and the lower part of hull armor. It needs the same track armor as IS-2 1944 or pack tigers to be classified as “good”. IS-2 1943’s mantlet armor is weaker than any Tiger, and it also has command tower weak spot. I would say it is still better than or at least as good as tech tree Tigers, but definitely not tigris or pack tigers.

Sadly they will never do it because it just gives too much money.

Makes no sense


Let’s ruin the Tigris because…?


It’s clearly better than the tech tree tiger e and moving it up would mean less p2w

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Tigris is one of the least convincing examples of p2w in the game. It’s already 6.0. It is NOT overpowered at 6.0. Moving it up WOULD remove it as a viable vehicle to play.

Point is, there are like 100+ vehicles that would see attention about being p2w before the Tigris would.


The extra “armor” barely makes a difference, Track pieces have a much lower armor effectiveness than actual armor, In fact its 25% weaker than RHA, An effective +10mm of armor on a mostly flat surface barely changes anything.

And wood isn’t even 10mm worth, Wood has a modifier of x0.05 compared to RHA’s x1, That’s 95% worse, So 100mm of wood is more like 5mm, Which is even more pointless aside from being a standoff for low pen HEAT or HE.


I thought it was a 0.1x multiplier?

Edit: I stand corrected, even if it was 0.1 it would not be enough to mak3 a change in br



This is also untrue though as volumetric matters a lot here plus even just adding that amount helps the Tiger since the Tiger is near a lot of pen thresholds at its BR and below.