Tiger Ost and West should go up in BR

As per your main post, I thought all germany mains were bad and didn’t know to angle? What changed?

One of the most popular sealclubber vehicles, of which I have since killed several in my 75mm Shermans. Gunner optic is a very reliable weakspot.

In any case, it’s an entirely different comparison. The KV-1E has much better armor and a much worse gun for its BR than the Tiger 1s - many vehicles at that BR will fail to pen an unangled KV-1E’s UFP, whereas at 6.0 you’d be hard pressed to find anything not using an autocannon that fails to pen the Tiger 1’s unangled UFP.

That’s called a “tradeoff”. A Jumbo 75 will be fantastic in a downtier but terrible in an uptier, a Maus will have a similar experience; in comparison, a vehicle like the M44 won’t be affected much since it will still die to machineguns and is capable of oneshotting everything it sees.

The Tiger 1 falls somewhere in the middle. The armor is worth more in downtiers, but never as frontally immune as the Jumbo is. The gun is better, but it’s not a HEAT-FS slinger and on an uptier you will meet:

…which the Tiger 1 also can’t do anything about unless you get his side, and then both Jumbo 76 and Tiger 1 can kill it.


Their BRs are fine.
M4A3E2 has more armor than the Tiger 1s while having a similarly potent gun.
IS-2 has a vastly superior gun and superior armor.


And Tiger 1’s are either 5.7 or 6.0.

Haven’t you noticed that I was talking about KWK40 versus KV-1E? Pz4 is not something that would “fail to pen an unangled KV-1E”. And yet they are often sealclubbed by KV-1E, because with the slightest angle their shots just bounce off KV-1E’s armor plate.

And that is exactly where pack tigers change the whole thing! In tech tree Tigers you must intentionally angle so that D-5T cannon or M1 cannon won’t penetrate you. You need skills. And you cannot angle when pushing forward. But pack tigers? I have already mentioned it in the post. With only very small angle, their front armor become impenetrable by Russian 85mm cannon or American 76mm cannon. There is no skill. You don’t need to angle. Just drive straight, and enemy rounds bounce. I’ve seen that both in game and in test in custom battle with my squadron.
To be more specific. To me, the greatest difference is when in the area between range 100m and 400m. I didn’t figure out a way to measure the angle, but I do believe that it’s around 30 degrees.

And another thing. If pack tigers are all just fine, what about Tiger H1? It is inferior to both pack tigers. You want to move it to 5.3?

It’s funny, because Tiger H1 is at 5.7 as well with worse armor and worse gun depression (S mine launcher, of course).

Tiger H1 has identical armor, identical gun depression.
It’s literally the same tank.


Humor at its purist.
I do recommend you check the vehicle first. At least do a test drive. Even if you only check Tiger H1 in the garage, you’d notice those S mine launchers. We’ve already have enough jokes in the forum by now, more is not needed.

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The launchers are not the entire coverage of the tank hull.
The premiums are Tiger H1 standards.

And that is why I say you should test drive first. You don’t feel ashamed for wasting other’s time at all?

Damn the salt in this game is real intense.


hey,just let you know,you can say : i have skill issue, it’s easier to say and everyone can understand it immediately instead of write a long post like this
those tiger premium is so easy to destroy,even in a hand of experience players,and i’m tired to see those player like you keep yapping how p2w for it,sound like US main player .


Saids a guy with only 2 vehicles in his garage above KD 3 after 30 matches, despite you have played GRB twice the time I did. It seems your extra time doesn’t make much difference.
You know, it’s kind of ironic, especially when you could see through my service record that I mainly play ARB…

I wouldn’t say that you lack skills or something, because I ain’t that skilled to laugh at you either. But at the very least I can see that neither of your tech tree tigers reached KD2, while you Tiger Ost is above KD3.
Just admit that you enjoy p2w and don’t care about the health of BR system at all, alright? At least don’t be so noisy that everyone can see it.

Actually, I’d appreciate your support, because you have become a live proof to me on “pack tigers being p2w” and “the community don’t mind p2w at all”.

If you really want to discuss about whether pack tigers are p2w, just check the posts above. I have already written a lot. I also wrote about the test performed in custom battle.

listen here friend, let me get this strange to the point
for person like you, even gaijin bring it on 6.3 you won’t be happy
this game have 4-5 slots in hangar for you, the point of this is helping you to have more strategy by the type of that tank, and of couse,all nation will have a counter option on soft target,thin targer,air,ect…
also,we don’t just head to head , face to face like an idiot , we have something call “flanking” to help you hit on enemy heavy tank side
i played the tiger ost,west,even the P version in RGB, i still get destroyed by M36,M4A2,T-35-85 or even M109
and its fair
you say this is for the health of br system,but i can only seen you do it for yourself
the tiger is fine at the br,and that will not change


just lol…
Complains about a boxy 100mm armored tank with bad mobility, bad gun handling, and a cupola insta death weakspot. I bought the pack because they look cool, but play absolutely terrible on those small, CAS infested maps. They dont even feel like heavytanks when im bullying them in my M18 or M109s, M51…


No, no, you don’t understand; the box with 100mm of flat armor deserves to go up in BR because it got 10mm of extra armor in some parts.

The eternal Heavy Tank curse.

If it is able to withstand ONE shot from an up tiered Medium Tank while being perfectly angled and positioned, then it deserves to be upped in BR until its armor becomes irrelevant, apparently.

All tanks armed with 77, 85, 90, 100 and 122mm guns can punch through this tank like a hot knife through butter EVEN when angled. Just because it can do well against 75s and 76s it doesn’t mean it should be upped in BR until it can’t withstand anything.

The reason why Tiger E is higher in BR is because it has a better engine, better roof armor and a stronger cupola. A couple of Tiger H1s getting 10mm of extra armor in some places does not warrant an increase in BR…


30mm of track, as good as 15mm armor. In the area of between 100m and 400m range, this armor makes a significant difference. I already said those above. Gonna edit the main oost and link these lines.

Sounds like massive skill issue to me.

The add on armor doesnt Cover much the massive weakspot cupola still exists.

Even the camouflage is useless dince anyone could just put bushes on and have the same result


And yet you ignored my lines pointing out you have much better stats in pack tigers than in tech tree Tigers. Very smart change of subject.

no,you are the one don’t understand my friend, that 30mm is nothing,we tiger players still and MUST angle at all cost , most of them still can pen us if we face our hull to them,i have tigis,and yes, that 30mm did nothing,still angle like every day
and you think we have a good eyes ? get to the position like the flash and angle at the right moment ?
and you think those t34 and m4 sherman players are stupid and don’t know where to hit ?
they always shot at the cupola my friend, ALWAYS
know why the hellcat get on 6.0 when they have the same gun as m4a2 but anything can kill it ?
because they just fast,get to good potision quick and can pen side armor with one shot
what do tiger have to get up br ? a big cupola ? they just walking box at high br ,no speed,just…nothing
and you know what funny ? this post yapping about a small 30mm armor on each side of the tiger, while there still some space in the middle to shoot
you are underate and disrespect the ww2 player my friend, tiger just like food for them

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but are we talking about tigers pack ?

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you know what,those player like you just know how to complain,don’t even have experience,check my stats ? huh ? very smart move and very dumb way to use it and talk about how strong are tiger pre
what a waste of time