Tiger armor

Because they are balanced correctly in terms of performance of players in the game.

Rank is relevant to earnings and grinding progress. What do you think it means? In context of performance rank number makes no difference.

Depends on context. Your experience is in question, not your skill. Most here including who you agree with all do well in them, so maybe your relative “skill” has something to do with your experience so far.

Complaints I have seen here are often not true. Vehicles mentioned (German heavies, any class) are not suffering in game.

Your focus on “year is most important” is not backed up by anything, too many others have pointed to this not being the case.

Yes, we all understand years vary. Concept 3 is 4.3 but a more modern vehicle and sits low because in WT it fits there, in its own “era” it would be completely outclassed.

Edit: If you want historical then picking AB is odd since there you face your own nation, but I started there too and not criticising that. And in AB heavies are much stronger than in RB due to how people play/marking works. So again, experience and possibly you rushed the game and had not learned the game before progressing, a common error.

You worry about year but don’t worry about Tiger facing other German vehicles due to historical reasoning?

Admittedly I am talking from a Realistic mode perspective, but it suffers in neither mode.


You’re at level 13. No disrespect but please play the game a bit more before basing your argument on your experience.

The german 5.7-6.7 range has been considered one of the most under-BR’d ranges of any nation in any BR range. That you are complaining about tanks that are near-universally considered good already paints you as having a lack of skill, because there isn’t much of any other explination. If you were competent, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

Why are WW2 tanks facing vietnam tanks? Because the vietnam tanks suck. The ratel 20 is horrific and nearly unplayable. Tanks in game are balanced on capabilities, not years. NO ONE wants to play PZ3s vs KV-85s or 75 shermans vs tigers. They have sim battles for those, they are unpopulated.

Tank rank has no bearing, its a gatekeeping mechanic that is designed to make players research more vehicles instead of powering up to a single vehicle and lack experience.


You angle a tiger tank and still explode for one damage. That’s the bullshit of this game.

and yes wwii tanks, they should match wwii tanks. No one should tell tales of talent, level and balance. If numbers are important to you, I established this account in 2015.

and you started talking nonsense again about my ability and the ability of the people. It’s also a lie that I rushed something. I had the opportunity and the tanks were opened. So what, should people play with entry level tanks? Stop giving such advice just to feel great. I blew up 6-7 tanks in one match. I saved the game. You are biased.

You always talk about assumptions, talk about facts. stop fooling people. Stop defending the br fraud. Stop fighting a false struggle in the name of balance. As a result, I am not in the game until this Br fraud is fixed. just like the others. There is no point in our discussion. Play by yourself and continue to feel great with tanks that have no realism.

Here’s a real assumption: you feel good when shooting to tier 2 tanks while playing with tier 4 tanks. You are gaining points. and it suits you for people to play the second tier tiger series and that’s why you tell these tales here. It seems like you try to trick them for your benefit.

You angle a tiger tank and have ~170mm equivalent front plate. Yes, there are tanks that can pen that at 5.7. But 2/3 of your BR will bounce. Thats what a heavy tank is. You are as fast as a medium and have a gun that has no difficulty with anything of your own BR. If you need more than that, you just need help.

Tanks should fight things they are balanced against. No one wants to play 75 shermans vs tigers. Everyone wants to play tigers vs 75 shermans. Too bad, this is a multiplayer game. If you want to play against players, you balance tanks against each other. If you want to stomp people with no chance to fight back, play a single player game.

Who the fuck cares when you created your account.
Who the fuck cares how many players you killed in a single match. 6-7 is trivial.

there is no ‘br fraud’. The game you want to play doesn’t exist because no one wants to play it. I will continue to play with the rest of the WT community while you rage against a brick wall alone.

Your straw man is irrelevant. Teirs don’t determine tank capabilties. BR does. How is this complicated to you?


He does not understand the game at all and has had the “German Suffers” lot think he is onto something.

The damage is done.

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I just want the enemy bullet to bounce at least once when playing with heavy.

At the current Br level, the tank I angle immediately explodes. This does not motivate the player. Because this tank is heavy and slow. Not agile. That being the case, it doesn’t make any sense.

Is it too much to ask for an enemy bullet to ricochet at least once when playing a heavy tank?

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Think of the Tiger as a snipers rifle,You wouldn’t take a Barret 50 cal into a house clearing scenario and you would not try to snipe long range with a combat shotgun.

Facing newer vehicles has taken the shine off the heavy tanks somewhat especially the 109 spam but you can still have fun.Just hang back ,hide if you can and snipe.You need to use binoculars and really look out.I apologise if I am telling you what you already know but I had trouble with the Tiger when I started.I thought it was terrible,then I came on here ,complained and was put straight on the matter.
I’m OK with tiger 1 but I struggle with the Tiger 2 now.Always learning

The tiger P/W ratio is at the top of the ~5.7 heavies, but not by much. However, it has the best weight dispersion due to the track width, meaning its easily the fastest heavy of the BR block. If you had played other lines, you would know this. You are as fast than the US T25 or M26 mediums, sweedish STRV 74 light tank, similar acceleration but far better top speed than a centurion or M6/T1E1. That makes you effectively a medium for speed.

Tanks should be ballanced for 1 kdr. That way you have an unqual battlefield, but level effectiveness. If you are as fast as a medium, have a better gun than a medium, and bring more armor than a medium, what does the medium have that makes you balanced? Compare the Tiger H to the T25. The tiger sits at 5.7/6.0, the T25 sits at 6.3. The T25 has 20 more pen and 20g of filler but significantly worse armor and speed. Yet sits 2 BR steps above. The tiger is already in a very good spot compared to other tanks in the same BR range.


It equals a meme when they say just angle. You angle, but they kill you anyways. Its not like enemy players play the tanks with anemic guns, they just spam the ones which easily rip through. You need to avoid to be seen and to be shot, thats how you play the Tiger. When you believe this angling nonsense youre dead. They’re just mocking you. Angling does almost nothing. Also consider that angling requires you to know in advance what opponent from what direction will shot you next. Thats a hilarious take.

When I use KV-1 it just bounces off most standard shots. You just need to fear sophisticated tank destroyers and thats it. When you angle on top of that, it makes you almost invincible.


US 76mm tanks have 149 flat pen. You need a bit over 30 degree angle to make your ufp match their pen at close range and they comprise ~30% of the tanks you will see considering the prevalence across nations. Angling also makes it MUCH harder for solid shell tanks to kill more than 2 crew in a pen. Also, baiting shots with an angled front plate around a corner has been a time honored tradition of good tiger players. I understand that may not include you, but it is still an option.


Facing 7BR now in the uptier,too many guns at 7BR make a total mockery of the Tigers armour. Angling makes no difference with the pen power 60s had compared to WW2.

This is just another era separation complaint really.

Face it, to make sense of this game we need to lose the uptier and gain era separation and that is never going to happen for either.Complaints like this will be forevermore and no remedy.Tanks out of time will always be a thing.

To be the legend people think the Tiger should be it would need to face only what it faced during its time of dominance in 43/44 which means it would be 3-4 BR.

Only way to make work would be to totally remodel the game and have the Tiger as some kind of prize like the nuke for gaining so much SP.Kind of like Philly daily suggested on youtube .

Nothing like that has ever appeared in the game and zero reason to think it ever will.


Almost like tanks are balanced against THEIR OWN TEIR not +1.0 BR. Are you seriously trying to bring ANY heavy into a full upteir and expecting to have effective armor? Come on man. Bring it into a 5.7 or 6.0 game and you have very effective armor while pacing everything but lights and having one of the best guns.

The tiger is already the best heavy in 5.7 and 6.0. It doesn’t need more spoon feeding.

My Sherman 75 has something to say about that 😂

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Except your 75 sherman can be UFP’d by the most common german medium, not to mention the incredibly weak drive wheel, MG port, lower mantlet shot trap, the slightest bit of side, and every ‘vietnam tank’ this thread has brought up. All the while having a gun that was good at 4.0 but hilariously bad at 5.7. And lets be honest, it isn’t a 5.7. With the hellcat getting moved to 6.0 and 6.0 germany being a black hole BR, you are playing at 6.0 at least every game.

And that isn’t a fault in the game?

Again reinforcing what I said.Are you agreeing or disagreeing or disagreeing by agreeing?

At its own BR M109 and other Russian Arty pees on its parade quite a bit now,again 60s vehicles.
I always had good games in the Tiger.Its nimble for its size.

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I still like my Sherman more than my tiger. But that’s just personal opinion. I just like being able to fire every 5 some odd seconds. But don’t get me wrong, I also like the tiger 1. I think I’ve played it more than the jumbo, but I prefer the play style of the jumbo more than tiger

I had some great games in the Cobra King ,another one ruined by the M109 spam.

I personally don’t find the M109 annoying. Or killing me very much.


Its just the numbers probably, that make it such an irritant.Cant seem to go three feet in a WW2 tank without the facing the M109 one shot death. I spot one and miss two. Maybe I need more beer.