Tiger armor

The Tiger isn’t bad.


Armor is actually a bad thing in WT. The BR system is usually set up that most common enemies easily pen any given armor. Which means at the end it just slows down your tank and makes it much easier to oneshot. Since armored tanks always fuse shells.

Light vehicles ignore most fuses. Most common ammo never triggers. Thin armor also generates less spall fragments. At the end light vehicles tend to survive more hits than actually armored tanks.

Try to kill a light with AP or APHE loaded and you know what I mean. While they just shot, pen and kill. In WT light vehicles with good guns are indefinetly better than an actually armored tank.

Its very strange. And tbh…War Thunder is the only tank related game where armor is actually a bad thing.

There are, ofc exceptions. For Germany this would be the Beute Churchill and the KV-1 / KV-2. These tanks can be easily played in a heavy tank role. Other heavies have that many high pen guns in their BR bracktets, that they’re pointless.

Long story short: A lol Fiat truck with AT gun is just a better WT vehicle than an armored tank.


It’s only good if you are at BR or in a downtier, the panther is a much better choice for basically everything.

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The Tiger is a good tank.


You are underestimating heavys.


Because Tiger I’s armor was designed to withstand 75mm, 76mm and 85mm guns (when angled) at most.

Yet ingame it’s forced to face SACLOS ATGMs like MILAN and HEATFS shells with up to 400mm of pen.

Basically, Tiger’s armor was excellent for a 1942 tank, and was actually still good by 1944-1945… but when you throw it against the mid-late 1950s next-gen munitions that changed armored warfare forever by rendering armor obsolete until composite armor was created… yeah, it won’t hold up that well.

It’s the Heavy Tank curse in War Thunder. Most heavies, except for KV-1E and a few others, suffer from it. They are thrown against Lights and Mediums that are even decades more modern just so that the Lights and Mediums can kill the Heavies with the same ease as the Heavies can kill them, except while also being significantly bigger and slower.

Because you know, balance = everyone being able to pen everyone, leaving aside all mobility considerations and other soft factors.

This gets specially bad from 6.7 onwards, but it’s indeed already tedious at 5.7 onwards.


The Tiger is balanced and a good tank.


give some examples

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I gave it, MILAN. The SACLOS ATGM with 530mm of pen from 1972. It faces Tiger Is.


Tiger Is have to face 400mm pen HEATFS and SACLOS ATGMs, and Tiger IIs need to do so in an even more exaggerate way, against way better platforms; same goes for all other 6.7 heavies, like the American ones, IS-2s, etc.

Why are there Tiger IIs, T26s and M26s facing AMX-30s, late T-54s, M48 and M60 Pattons?

Then you have the 7.7 heavies of all nations facing 8.7 MBTs with stabilizers and 300+mm pen APFSDS shells… like Maus or IS-4M facing stuff like M60A1 (RISE P)s, Chieftain Mk.3/5s, T-55AM/AMD-1s or T-62s.


Lights also have scouting and artillery strikes. To all these advantages (usually more firepower, more mobility, better gun handling, alot more speed, better survivabily) they even got artillery added. And scouting.

Heavy tanks are the underdogs. They should get artillery or scouting ability to make up for all those disadvantages.

The only Heavy Tanks I have fun with are KV-1E and KV-1S, because they are probably some of the VERY few Heavy Tanks in the game allowed to actually function as Heavy Tanks and rely on their armor.

Compression ruins most of them.

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The Tiger (II) has a good KDR in the game.

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Absolutly. KV-1/2 and the Churchill as well. These tanks bounce off shots. The other heavies I play are hopless. You might get good K/D out of them, but not in a heavy tank role. When you roll out into the open, you will eat 400mm pen from a M-51^^ Or an super mobile derp car lolshots you while running circles around you.

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The Tiger IIs can face (unstabilised variant) M60A1 Pattons with twice as much armor, twice as better mobility, twice as better gun handling and twice as much firepower.

Sure, Tiger II is actually great in downtiers (maybe too good, another compression issue) and at its own BR. But it is undeniable that it gets wrecked in full uptiers by tanks that outclass them in each and every single possible way with no downsides.

Compression is just terrible past 5.3.

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The data implies they are overpowered.

No. It has a great gun and good enough armour to protect itself when played right.

again very good tanks.

you can pen all heatfs vehicles at your br with ease.

The Ratel 20 is bad compared to the TigerII.

The T34 is a beast even in a full uptier.

The IS-2 is underperforming compared to other heavys but has still a positive KDR.

More penetration but way less post pen damage.


See, this is the thing.

No, a Light Tank being able to lolpen a Heavy Tank is not balanced just because the Heavy Tank can also lolpen the Light Tank.

The Light Tank is faster, smaller, more agile, can scout… it has plenity of strengths over the Heavy Tank.
The Heavy Tank’s ONLY strength is suppossed to be its armor.
Yet its armor is neglected because the Light Tank that can do everything better can ALSO lolpen the Heavy Tank because it’s a decade more advanced…?

Light Tanks should be support vehicles, not ones capable of going toe-to-toe head-on against Heavy Tanks and come on top.

How? No amount of angling can save a 150mm thick armor plate from being wrecked. Why do you think tanks were made armourless during the HEATFS era before composite armor was invented? Because no matter how practically thick armor could be made, it was never enough. HEATFS rendered armor useless until the creation of composite armor.

“Just angle”…

And no, I don’t expect Tiger to be invincible or to face short 75s. I expect Tiger to face shells of its own era, including those that can penetrate it with ease, yes, even angled, such as the 85mms, 100mms, 122mms, etc. There is NO need at all to make it face HEATFS and ATGMs for it to be far from “invincible”.

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Facing Tiger 1s was a complete nightmare with the M-51.
Every tank no problem but Tiger: Blackhole, no damage, one crew killed, yellow barrel.

After the HEAT buff it’s hopefully not as bad as before but HEAT-FS is still not APHE.
I’ve killed Tigers with short 75mm APHE before from 500m but good luck doing that with HEAT when their sponson ammo racks are empty.

I haven’t tried, I can try tonight and see! HEATFS was inconsistent in the past, but apparently it’s way better now.

PT-76b… its a very common vehicle. Rus players love it. Not a single game without one. When a heavy tank can be lol killed by a 5.3 super lightweight aluminium tincan… well it means with that “tank” game is something very, very wrong.

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You are absolutely correct, but the Tigers are the some of the best tanks for their BRs.

  1. Anything but a 75mm Jumbo can kill Tiger I from that angle.

  2. The PT-76 is not an example of a good tank with HEAT-FS. It only has 200mm of pen.