Thrustmaster Viper TQS config

Does anyone who owns the Thrusmaster Viper TQS, have a Warthunder F-16C control config file for me?


Since no one has indeed helped me on this, I had to work on it myself. To configure axis and all the buttons is really annoying in WT, as the functions are mostly in a toggle mode instead of individual actions.

Gear up / Gear down does not exist. Renders the physical Gear handle to be come a dumb switch.
Radar Slew hat on the TQS cannot be used as radar slew left/right and up/down are separated axis

But at least the burner I was able to map with a idle thrust of 8%. Have not found to map it in a different way. Here it is, the setting.


I have asked our friend of GJ to add more individual functions. Rotary knobs are useless in WT. Each step is an individual button which is no depressed when moving to the next. Leaves the toggled function ON.

Hi Psusennes.

Have you managed to get the viper working correctly?

I am looking to upgrade from my logitec to the viper.
Would you recomond the viper for warthunder?


Meanwhile I have managed to configure the TQS to work with my F-16C/D in WT. Not all buttons work as it lacks of a function in WT. Gear Handle is only available as one button action in WT, meaning that moving the handle up and down does not trigger the function.
If we had a “Gear up” / “Gear down” instead of gear toggle we could assign it properly.

With helo its is a soso compromise. I was not able to get the collective axis from 0 to 100% calibrated. I was able to get from 4% to 100%. Not a big deal. I can handle on ground with 4%. with one little nag. wheel breaks will not work unless u got 0%

Would I recommend it?
Mixed bag. It works flawless in Falcon4 BMS and DCS F-16C. All items work as designed, including illumination.
WT does neither deliver capability to use the illumination nor it offers the possibility to configure 2- or 3-way switches and this will leave most of the TQS system switches with limited use.

I think it is better than the Orion2 base which struggle with the WT as the Winwing software is required to have game support. Currently WT is not listed.

If GJ decides to give more switch config capabilities like DCS, I would indeed recommend it. Today, any throttle will do too, no need to spend 450 bucks.

If you are a long term F-16 fanboy, like me, that started flying F-16 on Amiga by Spectrum Holobyte in 1989, continued on F-16 Combat Pilot, then on Falcon 4 and having been part of the development team for some time, Falcon BMS and DCS F-16C, a Thrustmaster F-16 TQS is a MUST!

can you fly other ww2 aircraft with the viper tqs ?

Yes. Its a question of how you map the axis.
Prop pitch

Of course you don’t have a suitable 2 to 4 engine config. Likely not ideal if you want to have it “as real as it gets”

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This weekend just got fucked up. I had a few RP booster for 50% and 75% and planned to get the F-15i grinded. While in flight, the Thrustmaster magnetic base of the Warthog stick died. When I move the stick all buttons are pressed at the same time and axis invert …
I ordered now an AVA base but will not arrive before tuesday and my 50% RP bosster 10x will be gone.